Girasole,French for Sunflowers is a watercolor painted on gessoed watercolor paper.

Gesso allows watercolor pigments to be lifted easily to create the light areas

of the lettering and wiped out marks.  Experimenting with a non-porous surface

and using watercolor crayon give this painting strong color and texture.

  Image -15x21  Framed w/mat 20" x 28"  - $395.00

Prints  11x14 double mat and backing  $22.00                                                            

8x10 double mt and backing $17.00

Business card size magnets $3.00

Cards 5x7 $4.00

Free Shipping


Carol Janda
Port Angeles, WA
360-452-6356 (studio), 360-452-8165 (gallery)

Website Developed by
Bob Selby member
of the Webcoop (Rev 2/03)