Emil Kirschner Archive

Part I of 2


Born - 4 Jun 1886

In school for the 1899/1900 School Year – Steinschönau Boys Bürgerschule



I am an e-bay lurker – hopefully, I have not bid against any members of the research group working on Steinschönau relatives.  This document was listed and I figured – well why not?  So, after the post office loosing one payment of cash for the item, I begged the seller to let me send him another payment.  He was so kind that he provided me the documents I won, plus a group of photographs that were with it.  “Hallo Rod, hier Deine Urkunde (Zeugniss)!  Plus extra noch eine + karten von des Familie aus dieser Gegend.”


So, now we have a mystery – who was Emil Kirschner?  Who are those individuals in the pictures linked to this document???  What happened to Emil?  What happened to the family in the picture and does the writing on the back give any clues to who they are??  Ah – if only the pictures could talk.


Contact me if you have ideas or details.  Rod


close up of larger picture of the above section of one of the documents


Is this Emil in 1910???


Any Clues here?


PART II of the Archives