He is Here


William August

Xavier Fleck




Born:  14 March 2002 at 1:42 a.m.

At the Forks Community Hospital

Forks, Washington

Weight:  8 Pounds, 9 Ounces (same as both his Papa and Mama when they were born)

Length:  21 ¼ inches long




Delivered by Dr. Ken Romney

Assisted by Darlene Rondeau


and Jen Adams

(Yep, she was the assist on Emma-Grayce)


AND ROGER – not pictured;


and the wonderful nursing staff at FHC!

(Thanks Diane, Bronwyn, Gail, and Jenny and the rest that I can’t remember right at the moment)


Also to Lisa and Andy who made the trip with Jen and Cheri into PA!!!  Way to go Forks EMT Crew!!!!


With lots of help from a bunch of support folks to include the “Tante’s” (in alphabetical order)

De Ann Horton

Mary Raben

Noelle Munson

Pat Soderlind

Who helped out with the two sisters,

the house, Cheri, you take your pick.




Also, thank you to the Staff at Olympic Medical Center in Port Angeles to include:


Dr. Moore, Carolyn, Mary, and Barb.




Mama and William are doing fine at home – recouping.  William’s life has had a few adventures already – including a snow storm that hit PA and Forks the day he came home.  Pretty!


Anastasia took this picture of Lake Crescent!



Name Explanations

Since we are going to be asked about the name, we figure we might as well explain it up front…


William is a family name on both sides of the family.  My grandfather, great grandfather and a few others on Mom’s side of the family use and used William.  But so did Grandma Fleck’s father and his father and his father …you get the picture …in Scotland.  So, it was an easy choice.  YES HE IS GOING BY WILLIAM.


Cheri and I have always liked August as a name, and the name is not unfamiliar in our family – with August Funk being a Civil War veteran of the 74th PA Volunteers. 


Xavier is a name that I have always liked, and since we are calling the little lad “William,” Cheri gave in and let it be added to the name.  It is also a name that was used a few times in parts of the family in Europe.


As to nicknames, we’ll see what comes about.


Pastor Al – making sure the baby gets some early spiritual instruction!  J  Thanks for braving the snow to come visit in PA

And same to Kim, Deb, Marin, Morgan!