Portfolio Hobby Page


  1. Create a html hobby page that contains a picture representing your hobby with a paragraph that explains your hobby.


  1. Save this page as index.html to a folder labeled hobby. Put a link under the Resume section on your portfolio home page named, hobbies.


  1. Your paragraph that explains the hobby should follow this structure:



1st part:             Lead sentence. Introduce yourself; write a short summary of yourself. Write a summary of the hobby. Describe what it is.


2nd part:            For example…   give an example of your hobby.

                        Elaborate on what your hobby is – or what you do exactly for or as your hobby


3rd part:            One reason why…   give a reason why you like your hobby.


4th part:            Tell what you are learning because of your hobby. How does this hobby benefit you; does this hobby benefit someone else?


5th part:            How does this hobby apply to your future?