Vocabulary Unit 3 Word List


  1. abridge: (v) to make shorter


  1. adherent: (n) a follower, supporter


  1. altercation: (n) an angry argument


  1. cherubic: (adj) resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round, or chubby face; sweet and innocent


  1. condone: (v) to pardon or overlook


  1. dissent: (v) to disagree


  1. eminent: (adj) famous, outstanding, distinguished; projecting


  1. exorcise: (v) to drive out by magic; to dispose of something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive


  1. fabricate: (v) to make, manufacture; to make up, invent


  1. irate: (adj) angry


  1. marauder: (n) a raider, plunderer


  1. obesity: (n) excessive fatness


  1. pauper: (n) an extremely poor person


  1. pilfer: (v) to steal in small quantities


  1. rift: (n) a split, break, breach


  1. semblance: (n) a likeness; an outward appearance; an apparition


  1. surmount: (v) to overcome, rise above


  1. terminate: (v) to bring to an end


  1. trite: (adj) commonplace; overused, stale


  1. usurp: (v) to seize and hold a position by force or without right