





Long / Triple Jumps

 110 / 300 Hurdles


5 X 200 walk 200. Stride 50, Blast 50, stride 50, Blast 50

10 spot cluster at 8 strides 5 pops, knees up, head up 5 x 30, 3 x 50, 2 x 60

10 x 6 lower hurdles. 5 x 30, 3 x 50, 2 x 60


Event Work : 20 Block Starts at 20 meters, 10 X 100 accelerators on the 60 seconds.

3 Runs, 3 pops, 3 jumps. Stadium Stair works X 6, 4 church hills.

300 hurdle work stretch the footwork of the start of the race 10 times... Flexibility work


60 minute run

60 minute run

60 minute run


300, 200, 150 X 5

300, 200, 150 X 5

300, 200, 150 X 5


1 mile cool down

1 mile cool down

1 mile cool down


Warm up mile In & Outs

Warm up mile In & Outs

Warm up mile In & Outs





Week 6 sprinters workout