Speckled Band wkst



Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Use complete sentences. Incorporate the question as part of the answer.


5/15     1. Briefly describe these characters and their role in “Speckled Band.”

A.     Sherlock Holmes

B.     Dr. Watson

C.     Helen Stoner

D.     Dr. Grimsby Roylott


5/15     2. What is the problem of the story? That is, what are Holmes and Watson trying to solve?


5/15     3. Summarize the story in two sentences.


5/15     4. Holmes states the theme of the story in these words, “Violence does, in truth, recoil upon the violent, and the schemer falls into the pit which he digs for another.” What do these words mean?


6/16     5. What two sounds did Helen hear after she was awakened by her sister’s screams?


6/16     6. List two similarities between Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Roylott.


7/17     7. List three clues from the story that helps Holmes solve this case.