Rip Van Winkle quiz


  1. In “Rip Van Winkle,” a man falls asleep for                                                                                                     LC1

A)     10 years                                                 C) 20 years

B)      centuries                                                D) forever


  1. Rip’s biggest problem was

A)     Dame Van Winkle                                C) back rent                                                                           LC1

B)      Wolf                                                       D) laziness


  1. Rip was amazed at the men playing nine pins because                                                                                 LA6

A)     they had the gravest faces                 C) They drank so much

B)      They had strange clothes                   D) all of the above


  1. Rip fell asleep                                                                                                                                                       LA5

A)     along the Hudson                                                C) in the Kaatskills

B)      at the bowling alley                             D) at home


  1. After his long sleep, and with all the changes that occurred,                                                                      LC1

A)     nobody remembered Rip                                     C) Rip’s life was virtually unchanged

B)      Rip’s life was dramatically changed                  D) The entire village was gone


  1. What does visages mean in this sentence? “Their visages, too were peculiar: one had a large beard, broad face, and small piggish eyes…”                                                                                                                                                  LC4

A)     Clothes                                                  C) vision

B)      Voices                                                    D) faces


  1. Who did Rip meet up in the hills?                                                                                                                     LA5

A)     Dame Van Winkle                                C) Brom Bones

B)      Hendrick Hudson                                 D) Washington Irving


  1. The story, “Rip Van Winkle” begins in the year                                                                                            LC3

A)     1730                                                        C) 1812

B)      1760                                                        D) 1849


  1. Rip sleeps through the                                                                                                                                        LT10

A)     Dinner                                                    C) Civil War

B)      War of 1812                                           D) American Revolution


  1. How does Rip usually solve conflicts?                                                                                                            LC1

A)     avoids them                                          C) fights

B)     meets them head on                             D) thinks his way through them


  1. Rip was rid of one form of government under which he had long groaned. What was that government?

A)     British Monarchy                                 C) American Democracy                                                     LA5

B)     Nazi rule                                 D) petticoat government


  1. What does impunity mean in this sentence? “ … and being arrived at that happy age when a man can be idle with impunity, (Rip) took his place once more on the bench at the inn door…                                                                             LC4

A)     Pride                                                       C) importance

B)      ability not to get in trouble                 D) money


  1. Hawthorne writes seriously about his subjects,                                                                                             LA7

A)     but Irving writes about his subjects humorously.

B)      and Irving also writes seriously about historical stories.


  1. Irving’s purpose for writing this story might be to:                                                                                       LT8

A)     Inform                                                    C) describe

B)      Persuade                                                D) entertain


  1. Irving had a negative view of women in his stories. This might be because:                                            LT10

A)     he was happily married himself

B)     he never was married