Luck of Roaring Camp wkst


Directions: Use blue or black ink to answer the questions.  As part of a complete answer, incorporate the question into the answer.


  1. Describe the setting of the story.
  2. What are the items given to the baby? List three.
  3. What does the baby do to Kentuck’s finger?
  4. Why does Kentuck think that the baby’s grabbing his finger is a big deal?
  5. Kentuck had the “weakness of the nobler sex.” Explain what that phrase means.
  6. The people of Roaring Camp start to improve their ways.  What was “the first spasm of propriety”, “the first symptom of the camp’s regeneration”?
  7. What are some of the common nicknames of the baby? List three.
  8. What was the christened name of the baby?
  9. What words were used to christen the baby? Write the quote from the story.
  10. Why were these words so special?
  11. What changes overcame the camp and its inhabitants? List two changes.
  12. “The Luck” causes the men to see nature in a new way. Describe the new way they see nature.
  13. What was the expressman’s report about Roaring Camp?
  14. What happened to Kentuck and the baby?
  15. How is this story similar to another story you might know? (text to text)