Jim Blaine and His Grandfather’s Ram wkst

Mark Twain

Directions: Use blue or black ink.  Incorporate the question as part of a complete answer.


  1. Mark Twain heard this story being told by an old goldminer.  Who is telling this story?
  2. Describe the place where this story was told.
  3. List three key events that occur in this story.
  4. What happens to his grandfather’s ram?
  5. What happened to William Wheeler?
  6. Dialect writing is defined where the writing reflects the spoken word of the area.  Standard grammar rules are disregarded so the writer writes down the message the way it is spoken.  Also, spelling rules are disregarded so the words are spelled to reflect the way the words are pronounced.  (“I be runnin don the street.”)  Give one example of dialect writing in this story.
  7. How does this story exemplify “a humorous story” as defined by Twain?