Part 1 sheet 3


  1. Finding the Prepositional Phrase


A prepositional phrase is a word or phrase that shows the relation between the noun that it takes as an object and some other word in the sentence.

Some common prepositions:

Aboard                        amidst              beneath            down                of                     since                 with                 

About               among              between          during               off                    throughout       within              

Above              around              beyond             except              on                    to                     without

According to            as for                but (meaning            for                    on account of            toward             near                 

Across             at                     except)             from                 out                   under                onto                

After                because of      by                    in                      out of               until                  over

Along               before              by means of            inside                outside             up                    past

Amid                behind              by way of         into                   regarding         upon                

Against below               beside              concerning        like


The preposition together with its object and the modifiers of the object is called a prepositional phrase.

             The boy fell off the boat.  (off is the preposition, boat is its object, the modifies boat.)

            Helen went to the corner store.  (to is the preposition, store is its object, the and corner modifies store.)

            The man with the boot, cares not wear he steps.  (with is the preposition, boot is its object, the modifies boot.)



Directions: write the prepositional phrases in each sentence.


  1. The tulips in the garden bloom during the spring.
  2. Everyone from our town went to the rally.
  3. Our cat went through the bushes and into the neighbor’s yard.
  4. Music from the auditorium could be heard across the hall.
  5. The abominable Snowman lumbered past us, toward the forest.
  6. In the booth beside the juke box sat three of his friends.
  7. Debbie told us about the party at Julie’s house.
  8. Put these art supplies in the cabinet over the sink.
  9. Sharon hit the ball toward the shortstop.
  10. There is a parrot like your at the Village Pet Shop.
  11. The puppy came into the tent and slept at the foot of my sleeping bag.
  12. I found these important papers in the trash.
  13. Over the river and through the trees spread the raging fire.
  14. Linus cannot sleep without his blanket around him.
  15. The car got stuck between two trees.
  16. Everyone but me heard the announcement.
  17. Do you go barefoot around the house?
  18. Within the cavern huddled the frightened cubs.
  19. Until next week, we will be at a hotel in Tulsa.
  20. Laurie sat behind me at the theater.