Part 4  Other Problems  worksheet 1



The pronouns it, he and she are used with doesn’t.  All other personal pronouns are used with don’t.

            It doesn’t seem like Friday.                   I don’t like carrots.

            She doesn’t want dessert.                        You don’t like turnips.

            He doesn’t have his gym shoes.            They don’t care for either one.


Here, There, and Where ARE NOT SUBJECTS.  The subject will be found following the verb.


Note:  Verbs ending in “S” are singular.


Directions:  Write the subject (an indefinite pronoun).  Write the correct verb.


  1. You (don’t, doesn’t) have to come to rehearsal.
  2. Here (is, are) the overdue library books.
  3. (Don’t, Doesn’t) she sound different on a tape recorder?
  4. Where (is, are) you going?
  5. If he (don’t, doesn’t) study harder, he’ll fail the test.
  6. We (don’t, doesn’t) have practice this week.
  7. There (is, are) fresh blueberries for dessert.
  8. If it (don’t, doesn’t) rain, we’ll play soccer after school.
  9. Here (is, are) the football helmets.
  10. Doug (don’t, doesn’t) want to go canoeing with us.
  11. Where (was, were) you going when you saw Emily?
  12.  Why (don’t, doesn’t) she ever wear gloves?
  13. Why (don’t, doesn’t) we plan a picnic?
  14.  There (is, are) several empty seats.
  15. The manager (don’t, doesn’t) allow food in the theater.
  16. (Don’t, Doesn’t) it feel too warm in here?
  17. There (wasn’t, weren’t) enough books for the whole class.
  18. She (don’t, doesn’t) have any homework.
  19. Here (is, are) your roller skates.
  20. (Don’t, Doesn’t) they fit?