Part 3:  Case of  Pronouns worksheet 1



Pronouns have two special cases to show whether they are used as subjects or objects.


            Subject case                                                     Object case


     Singular     Plural                                                    singular      plural


1st    I              We                                                              me        us


2nd  You          You                                                      you             you


3rd   He                                                                       him

        She          They                                                     her             them

        It                                                                    it


When wondering which pronoun to use in a sentence, use this method.

1.      Look at the verb.  If it is an action verb, go to 2.  If it is linking, go to 3.

2.      Find the subject.  (if the pronoun will be the subject, choose subject case.)  Any other pronoun in the sentence will be objective.

3.      If the verb is linking, both subject and predicate pronoun will come from the subject case.  Objects of prepositions still come from objective case.


Directions:  Choose the correct pronoun. 


  1. (We, Us) hiked for three miles.
  2. That much exercise tires (me, I) out.
  3. Will (she, her) be at the awards assembly?
  4. Tell (them, they) about your recent good fortune.
  5. Is the gift for (we, us)?
  6. My brother gave (me, I) his binoculars.
  7. (She, Her) enjoys scuba diving.
  8. The winner is (he, him).
  9. This is a surprise to (me, I).
  10. The waterfall drenched (I, me).
  11. Dad called (us, we) to dinner.
  12. We grilled hamburgers for (they, them).
  13. Everyone likes (she, her).
  14. The coach issued (he, him) a uniform.
  15. (They, Them) plan to sell their car.