Part 3  Indefinite Pronouns  worksheet 2



These indefinite pronouns are SINGULAR:

Another            anything                  everybody      neither              one                  

Anybody            each                 everyone          nobody            somebody

Anyone            either                everything         no one              someone

Each of the applicants was interviewed

Neither of the girls has left yet.


These indefinite pronouns are PLURAL:

Both                                                                 Both of the boats are tied to the dock

Many      (bald men fear the sun)                 

Few                                                                 Several have signed up for the field trip



The words some, all, and most are singular if they refer to one part of something.  They are plural if they refer to several things.

All of the water             all of the pencils

Most of the day                        most of the children


Note:  Verbs ending in “S” are singular.


Directions:  Write the subject (an indefinite pronoun).  Write the correct verb.


  1. Nobody in our class (swim, swims) in this race.
  2. One of the propellers (was, were) broken.
  3. Each of you girls (is, are) allowed five minutes for your speech.
  4. Neither of the cats (has, have) been fed.
  5. One of the faucets (are, is) leaking.
  6. Each of the uniforms (has, have) the school’s name on it.
  7. Nether of the teams (has, have) a coach.
  8. Either of those games (is, are) easy.
  9. Each of the displays (is, are) of a different country.
  10. (Has, Have) either of you brought the hammock?
  11. Either of the digital clocks (tell, tells) perfect time.
  12. Everybody from both classes (was, were) invited.
  13. One of my keys (are, is) untied.
  14. Everybody in the stands (yell, yells) loudly.
  15. Each of the vendors (sell, sells) hot dogs.