Pronoun Unit Test B


Part 1:  Personal Pronouns

            Directions:  Write the pronoun in sentence.  Write the noun for which it stands.

            1 point for each answer.


  1. Seth says the jacket is his.
  2. Marsha, is our book the latest edition?
  3. A banquet was held for the winners and their parents.
  4. The city is proud of its history.
  5. Vern saw the twins and waved to them.
  6. Susan cooked the entire dinner herself.
  7. Glass was all over the floor, but it was swept up.
  8. Mark cleaned his room before dinner.
  9. Jeff and Laura visited their grandparents last week.
  10. Dave left his skateboard in his room.


Part 2:  Indefinite pronouns

            Directions:  Write the indefinite pronoun in each sentence.  Write the correct verb that agrees with it in number.  1 point for each answer.


  1. Neither of the tires (has, have) air.
  2. Someone from the Mayor’s office (run, runs) the program.
  3. Several of the flowers (has, have) wilted.
  4. Everybody in both families (play, plays) tennis.
  5. Each of you (have, has) an equal chance to win.
  6. All of the flags (are, is) on display.
  7. Each of the flags (has, have) a special design.
  8. Someone in this group (is, are) a litterbug.
  9. Some of our artists (use, uses) strange materials.
  10. Many of them (work, works) with sawdust, nails, and sand.


Part 3: Case of pronouns

            Directions:  Choose the correct pronoun.  2 points for each answer.


  1. That was (he, him) on the phone.
  2. The speaker in the red jacket is (she, her).
  3. Save a place for Terry and (I, me).
  4. The Clarks and (they, them) are good friends.
  5. The tapes belong to Everett and (I, me).
  6. (Who, Whom) did you see at the show?
  7. Dawn and (her, she) will bring the pop.
  8. Can you give Marci and (we, us) some advice?
  9. Liz and (her, she) are trying out for cheerleading.
  10. For (who, whom) was the message intended?









Part 4:  Possessive pronouns and contractions

            Directions: Choose the correct word from the words in parentheses.  1 point for each answer.


  1. You and (you’re, your) sister look alike.
  2. (Who’s, Whose) phone number is scribbled on this paper?
  3. Each office has (its, it’s) own phone.
  4. I think that (you’re, your) going to be surprised.
  5. Do you think (its, it’s) over yet?
  6. The actors furnished (their, there) own costumes.
  7. (Their, They’re) glad it’s Friday.
  8. Be careful when (your, you’re) ice skating.
  9. Our neighbors loaned us (their, they’re) rake.
  10. (They’re, Their) very generous.


Part 5:  Pronouns and antecedents

            Directions:  Choose the correct pronoun.  2 points each answer.


  1. Someone wrote (her, their) name in my book.
  2. Each of the apartments has (its, their) own entrance.
  3. Neither of the pitchers remembered (his, their) glove.
  4. No one could recognize (his, their) own voice.
  5. Few of the musicians bought (her, their) own instruments.
  6. One of the cars has (its, their) original tires.
  7. Has everyone handed in (his, their) paper?
  8. Everybody arranged (his or her, their) own transportation.
  9. Most of the cans had lost (its, their) labels.
  10. Nobody expected to hear (his, their) own name over the loudspeaker.


Part 6: Special problems

            Directions: Choose the correct pronoun.  1 point each answer.


  1. Did you return (them, those) books to the library?
  2. The coach is patient with (we, us) beginners.
  3. (We, Us) chess players meet once a month.
  4. You won’t need all of (them, those) papers.
  5. Most of (we, us) girls will help paint the bleachers.
  6. (Them, Those) floor boards are unsafe.
  7. Do you want to walk home with MaryBeth and (me, myself)?
  8. After school, (us, we) girls go to basketball practice.
  9. Some of (we, us) students helped set up chairs for the assembly.
  10. Put all (them, those) papers away.