Adjective or Adverb sheet 3


1.     These flowers must be kept (fresh, freshly).


2.     My brother drives (careful, carefully).


3.     My brother is (careful, carefully).


4.     Debbie’s drawings were (real, really) good.


5.     The leaves turned very (quick, quickly).


6.     Mrs. Watson explained the assignment (clear, clearly).


7.     Our dog peered (cautious, cautiously) down the dark alley.


8.     Ted appeared (prompt, promptly).


9.     Ted is (prompt, promptly).


10. The ice was  (rough, roughly).


11. Work (quiet, quietly).


12.   Renee and Marsha walked (slow, slowly).


13. He paid the bill (prompt, promptly).


14. The small child cried (loud, loudly).


15.   The small child is (loud, loudly).