Verb Unit Test C

Part 1:  Write the verb;  then write ACTION or LINKING. 1 point each answer.


  1. The horses raced toward the finish line.
  2. Those bananas look overripe.
  3. The sun broke through the smog at noon.
  4. The sky looks ominous.
  5. The record sounds scratchy.
  6. The air smells clean and fresh after that storm.
  7. The first wrestler pinned his opponent in ten seconds.
  8. A beautiful rainbow appeared across the meadow.
  9. Our dog is a German Shepard.
  10. I finished my social studies assignment in class.
  11. After dinner, Erica and I cycled to the park.
  12. The yearbook staff sold hot dogs and soft drinks at the football games.
  13. The speaker for the assembly sounds interesting.
  14. The weekend at Six Flags was fun.

15. Mrs. Bauer grows cantaloupe and watermelon in her garden.


Part 2: Write the helper verbs;  write the main verb.  1 point each answer.


  1. Couldn’t he see you?
  2. I will not leave early.
  3. Does your father help you?
  4. Why don’t you leave later?
  5. I could have seen the man and called to him.
  6. They were rarely seen at the movies.
  7. They could hardly read the letter.
  8. Bob hesitatingly had put the rifle in its place.
  9. Don’t look now!
  10. Doesn’t that noise annoy you?


Part 3: Write the verb;  then write the tense.  (past, present, future, past perfect, present perfect, future perfect.)

             2 points each answer.


  1. My sister’s graduation will take place in June.
  2. Reggie Jackson was an excellent baseball player.
  3. Our music class attended an afternoon performance by the symphony.
  4. The Back Street Boys are exciting performers.
  5. We had waited in line for over an hour.
  6. We have waited in line for over an hour.
  7. We waited in line for over an hour.
  8. We wait in line for hours and hours.
  9. We will wait in line for hours and hours.

10. We will have waited in line for hours by tomorrow.


Part 4: Rewrite the following sentences, changing the verb into the progressive form.  Remember to keep the verb in the same tense.  2 points each sentence.  (Add –ING to each verb)

  1. This machine filters our drinking water.
  2. From now on, the sun will set later and later.
  3. The dishwater had gotten cold.
  4. Kurt practiced his diving.

5.   Peggy has collected information on Japan.

Part 5: write the principal parts of these regular verbs.  1 point each answer.

           Present              past                  past participle

  1. look                 ___                  ___
  2. stop                  ___                  ___
  3. dance               ___                  ___
  4. call                   ___                  ___
  5. receive             ___                  ___


Part 6: Choose the correct verb for these irregular verbs.  2 points each.

  1. The dog (sprang, sprung) up when he saw his master.
  2. He should have (took, taken) no chances.
  3. The teacher said he (saw, seen) the dog last night.
  4. I was amazed to see how much the child had (growed, grown).
  5. The boy could not have (sang, sung) more than three songs.
  6. They would not have been (beat, beaten) if George had been playing.
  7. I don’t think she could have (bore, borne) much more.
  8. Aunt Ann has (gone, went) to the post office.
  9. Has the lake (frozen, froze) enough for skating?
  10. He had said he had (swam, swum) the river before.
  11. He (throwed, threw) the ball into the river.
  12. Who (drank, drunk) my tea?
  13. Who (teared, tore) the picture?
  14. The boys (choosed, chose) Fred to be their captain.

15. Tom said that he did not (chose, choose) to run again for captain.


Part 7: Active and Passive Verb forms.  Rewrite each sentence.  If the verb is active, make it passive; if the verb is passive, make it active.  5 points each sentence.

  1. Mother made some pies.
  2. The teacher told an interesting story.
  3. The President is elected by the people.
  4. These cookies were baked by my sister.
  5. Charles was punished by the teacher.

Part 8: Choose the correct verb for each sentence.  2 points each.

  1. No one may (sit, set) in the bleachers during practice.
  2. (Let, Leave) the campsite clean.
  3. Do you want to (lie, lay) down.
  4. Who (let, left) the cat get out?
  5. Meg (sat, set) her papers on the teacher’s desk.
  6. I think you have (laid, lain) in the sun too long.
  7. Someone (let, left) the car windows open.
  8. The patient must (lie, lay) still during the exam.
  9. (Sit, Set) down and talk to me, please.
  10. The platypus at the zoo (lay, laid) an egg yesterday.
  11. (Leave, Let) me go!
  12. I have (sat, set) quietly all afternoon.
  13. Will the police (let, leave) us enter?
  14. Help me (lie, lay) these tiles in place.
  15. Then I will (lie, lay) down for a nap.
  16. The sign says that no one (may, can) enter the construction zone.
  17. The curtain has (raised, risen).
  18. The islanders (learn, teach) their toddlers to swim.
  19. Tuesday (might, could) be a good day to see a movie.

20. The audience (rose, raised) to its feet.