Verb Unit Test B

Part 1:  Write the verb;  then write ACTION or LINKING. 1 point each answer.


  1. Tom traveled to Disney World with his family.
  2. The newspaper reporters wrote about the election.
  3. Sonia’s brother became a doctor.
  4. Snakes are unusual pets
  5. Rochelle chews her food very slowly.
  6. Our basketball team usually wins.
  7. I smell my favorite food in the oven.
  8. The nurse seems very tired.
  9. Those lilacs smell wonderful.
  10. We applauded the actors.
  11. Rona looks curious.
  12. The ranger looked for the source of the smoke.
  13. Hundreds of people attended the ceremony.
  14. The train roared down the tracks.
  15. The bells sound very lovely on a spring morning.


Part 2: Write the helper verbs;  write the main verb.  1 point each answer.


  1. Did you buy a new notebook?
  2. The food was prepared by Mr. Gardner.
  3. We will board the bus at 8:00 A.M.
  4. The broken locker has never been replaced.
  5. Have you chosen a topic for your composition?
  6. Everyone has finally received an invitation.
  7. The posters were designed by Mark and Sheila.
  8. The feelings of others should always be considered.
  9. Committee reports must be given to all student council members.
  10. When was that rule put into effect?


Part 3: Write the verb;  then write the tense.  (past, present, future, past perfect, present perfect, future perfect.)

             2 points each answer.


  1. We ate lunch in the cafeteria.
  2. The girls will arrange the chairs for the meeting.
  3. I have called her four times today.
  4. The townspeople hear the train’s whistle every day at noon.
  5. Will you both run in the race?
  6. The snow had melted by the afternoon.
  7. We shall make all the necessary arrangements.
  8. We ride our bikes to school every day.
  9. Shirley has practiced the flute for two hours.
  10. The first act of the play ended with a blackout.


Part 4: Rewrite the following sentences, changing the verb into the progressive form.  Remember to keep the verb in the same tense.  2 points each sentence.

  1. The clouds moved away.
  2. We waited for you at the restaurant.
  3. I looked for Lola in the lobby.
  4. The crane lifted the heavy beams.
  5. George has waited for Victor for an hour.

Part 5: write the principal parts of these regular verbs.  1 point each answer.

           Present              past                  past participle

  1. look                 ___                  ___
  2. stop                  ___                  ___
  3. dance               ___                  ___
  4. call                   ___                  ___
  5. receive             ___                  ___


Part 6: Choose the correct verb for these irregular verbs.  2 points each.

  1. Have you (ate, eaten) your lunch yet?
  2. The fruit juice had been (froze, frozen).
  3. Our science teacher (spoken, spoke) about the phases of the moon.
  4. The horse has been (rode, ridden) to the point of exhaustion.
  5. That vase (broke, broken) long ago.
  6. Our sunflowers (grown, grew) to a height of eight feet.
  7. A violent wind has (blew, blown) down branches of the tree.
  8. It has already (began, begun) to rain.
  9. Blake never (saw, seen) the mysterious stranger again.
  10. Tracy had (chose, chosen) a chocolate cake for her party.
  11. After the birds (gone, went) south, the garden seemed empty.
  12. The elephants had (drank, drunk) from the huge tank of water.
  13. The birds had (flew, flown) away before we could take a picture.
  14. Have you (wrote, written) your speech yet?
  15. I (tore, torn) my jacket on the old bench seat.


Part 7: Active and Passive Verb forms.  Rewrite each sentence.  If the verb is active, make it passive; if the verb is passive, make it active.  5 points each sentence.

  1. The cotton gin was invented by Eli Whitney.
  2. Agnes read the poem aloud.
  3. Neal organized the class debate.
  4. The ladder was swiftly raised by the firefighters.


Part 8: Choose the correct verb for each sentence.  2 points each.

  1. Please (lay, lie) the books on the desk.
  2. The knights were all (setting, sitting) around the table.
  3. Will the river (raise, rise) above the dam.
  4. Phillip (taught, learned) his brother to whistle.
  5. The farm (lays, lies) just beyond the hill.
  6. You (can, may) interview Ms. Tyler at 3:00.
  7. Please (sit, set) in the front row.
  8. They have (raised, risen) an interesting question.
  9. Who (learned, taught) you to speak French?
  10. (Can, May) we use your phone?
  11. My glove had been (laying, lying) in the driveway all night.
  12. The flower pots were (sitting, setting) on the windowsill.
  13. The jumbo jet was (raising, rising) from the ground.
  14. Will you (teach, learn) me to use the snow blower?
  15. I (may, can) not hear you over the noise.
  16. Who (sat, set) on my lunch bag?
  17. My gym teacher is (learning, teaching) me to play tennis.
  18. Ask if you (may, can) borrow a pen.
  19. The workers are ready to (lie, lay) the linoleum.
  20. That bully won’t (let, leave) me through the doorway.