Verb Unit Diagnostic Test


2 points for every answer.  70 points possible.


Part 1:  Write the verb;  then write ACTION or LINKING.


  1. That Dutch apple pie smells delicious.
  2. These candy sticks taste sour.
  3. Sherry looked in the attic.
  4. Those bananas look overripe.
  5. The wrestler pinned his opponent.


Part 2: Write the helper verbs;  write the main verb.


  1. Josh should have been here by now.
  2. We will bring the lemonade and ice.
  3. Haven’t you been listening to the speaker?
  4. I would never have finished that job without your support.
  5. How could you have possibly guessed?


Part 3: Write the verb;  then write the tense.  (past, present, future, past perfect, present perfect, future perfect.)


  1. Have you subtracted correctly?
  2. My sister and I flew to Alaska.
  3. My brother and I walk to school.
  4. Will you come to the party tonight?
  5. We had waited in line for over an hour.


Part 4: Choose the correct verb from the choices.


  1. Jenny has (chose, chosen) a difficult subject.
  2. Our art class (did, done) that mural.
  3. She had never (ate, eaten) squid before.
  4. My ring has (went, gone) down the drain.
  5. A fallen oak (lay, laid) across the road.
  6. The spider and the bat (does, do) look sinister.
  7. The records on that shelf (is, are) classical.
  8. Either the waves or the wind (has, have) done it.
  9. Both the net and the court (need, needs) repair.
  10. Sam (don’t, doesn’t) say much.