Troublesome Verbs sheet 1


Sit        sat            sat                                                                    Set            set            set

Lie       lay            lain                   These Verbs have                   Lay            laid            laid                   These verbs must

Rise      rose            risen                 NO OBJECT                                  Raise            raised            raised               HAVE AN OBJECT


I can sit in a seat.                                                                I can set the glass on the table.

Pat lies down when he is dizzy.                                                   Pat lays the book down when he is dizzy.

The sun rises in the east.                                                      We raise the flag every morning.


Yesterday, I lay in bed all morning because of the flu.                   Helga lay the cover over the pot.

The campers had lain awake all night in the tent.                 We laid the tarp over the tent.




May  (refers to permission or something that is possible).            Can  (refers to ability).

Might is another form of ‘may’.                                                     Could is another form of  ‘can’.

Learn (to gain knowledge).                                                      Teach (to give knowledge).

Let  (to allow or permit).                                             Leave  (to go away from, to allow something to remain).


  1. No one may (sit, set) in the bleachers during practice.
  2. (Let, Leave) the campsite clean.
  3. Do you want to (lie, lay) down.
  4. Who (let, left) the cat get out?
  5. Meg (sat, set) her papers on the teacher’s desk.
  6. I think you have (laid, lain) in the sun too long.
  7. Someone (let, left) the car windows open.
  8. The patient must (lie, lay) still during the exam.
  9. (Sit, Set) down and talk to me, please.
  10. The platypus at the zoo (lay, laid) an egg yesterday.
  11. (Leave, Let) me go!
  12. I have (sat, set) quietly all afternoon.
  13. Will the police (let, leave) us enter?
  14. Help me (lie, lay) these tiles in place.
  15. Then I will (lie, lay) down for a nap.
  16. The sign says that no one (may, can) enter the construction zone.
  17. The curtain has (raised, risen).
  18. The islanders (learn, teach) their toddlers to swim.
  19. Tuesday (might, could) be a good day to see a movie.
  20. The audience (rose, raised) to its feet.
  21. A tutor (learned, taught) me to speak German.
  22. You (may, can) not leave before the bell.
  23. (Can, May) I help you with those packages?
  24. Life has (taught, learned) me some hard lessons.
  25. You (might, could) have an allergy.
  26. How (can, may) I solve this problem?
  27. The student council has (raised, risen) an important question.
  28. As the sun (rose, raised), I crawled out of my tent.
  29. Janet (can, may) speak three languages.
  30. Who has (learned, taught) this poem by heart?