Irregular Verbs sheet 2


Directions:  Choose the correct verb from the two choices given.  Hint:  Check each sentence for helper verbs; if there is a helper verb, then choose the past participle form of the verb.


1.     The dog (sprang, sprung) up when he saw his master.

2.     He should have (took, taken) no chances.

3.     The teacher said he (saw, seen) the dog last night.

4.     I was amazed to see how much the child had (growed, grown).

5.     The boy could not have (sang, sung) more than three songs.

6.     They would not have been (beat, beaten) if George had been playing.

7.     I don’t think she could have (bore, borne) much more.

8.     Aunt Ann has (gone, went) to the post office.

9.     Has the lake (frozen, froze) enough for skating?

10. He had said he had (swam, swum) the river before.

11. He (throwed, threw) the ball into the river.

12. Who (drank, drunk) my tea?

13. Who (teared, tore) the picture?

14. The boys (choosed, chose) Fred to be their captain.

15. Tom said that he did not (chose, choose) to run again for captain.

16. The dog would not have (bit, bitten) you if you had been careful.

17. We (drank, drunk) two quarts of milk today.

18. If I had (knew, known) it, I would not have let him go.

19. The girls (swam, swum) in the cold water.

20. The sun had (shined, shone) all day.

21. We have (drove, driven) fifty miles already.

22. Martin has (eaten, ate) too much pie.

23. The salesman had (shone, shown) us several samples.

24. Have you (forgot, forgotten) your books?

25. Have you (heared, heard) the good news?

26. You could have (became, become) the manager.

27. The cat was almost (drownded, drowned).

28. Is the pen (broke, broken)?

29. Have you (rode, ridden) all day?

30. Have you (wrote, written) that letter yet?