Part 3:  Verb Tenses



                        Simple Tenses                                                            Perfect Tenses

   Present            Past                  Future                          Present Perf                  Past Perf      Future Perf__

talk                   talked               will/shall talk                 has talked               had talked   will have talked

smile                 smiled               will/shall smile   have                                                     shall

go                    went                 will/shall go                   has smiled               had smiled   will have smiled

think                 thought            will/shall think   have                                                     shall

                                                                                    has gone                 had gone     will have gone

                                                                                    has thought             had thought will have thought


Verb Tenses sheet 3


Directions:  Write the verb;  then write the verb tense. (past, present, future, past perfect, present perfect, future perfect.)


1.     Carlotta saw the eclipse.

2.     We spent too much money.

3.     Mr. And Mrs. Lewis train watchdogs.

4.     Abigail will play in the tennis tournament.

5.     Sportswriters will name the all-star team.

6.     The girls saw the large flag.

7.     Admiral Perry explored the North Pole.

8.     The children act in classroom plays.

9.     Brian expects an apology.

10. Some flies flew around the honey.

11. The Titans will win the game!

12. Washington had served two terms.

13. I shall say the magic words.

14. February has arrived.

15. The singer had a cold.

16. In track, the members will have run many laps.

17. Grandmother collects stamps.

18. Pontiac had tried to unite the Indians.

19. Hal missed the deadline for the contest.

20. We will have celebrated your anniversary.