Action or Linking sheet 1



Part 1:  Action Verbs and Linking Verbs

            Action Verbs: Some verbs tell of an action that tells that something is happening, has happened, or will happen.

            Linking Verbs: Some verbs do not tell of an action, but merely tell that something is.  They express a state of being.


Here are some common linking verbs:  is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being, become, look, appear, feel, smell, taste, grow, seem, sound.


TRY THIS:            Find the:    SUB  +  VERB  +  OBJECT    


                                                If the SUB and OBJECT are the same – verb is LINKING

                                                If the SUB and OBJECT are different – verb is ACTION

I watched the parade.             I     watched      parade              Watched is ACTION


Ellen has a bike.                 Ellen   has         bike                            Has is ACTION


Our room looks messy.           Room    looks  messy                           Looks is LINKING


The air is chilly.                      Air       is          chilly                             Is is LINKING



Directions:  write the verb; then write ACTION or LINKING.


1.     We met some friends at the park.

2.     The movie was excellent.

3.     The sky looks cloudy.

4.     Alice plays the piano beautifully.

5.     Our plane was late.

6.     Smoke filled the kitchen.

7.     Everyone on the train appeared sleepy.

8.     The baby seems unusually energetic this morning.

9.     Bart plays on the wheelchair basketball team.

10. The defendant looked nervous before the judge.

11. The crowd made a great deal of noise.

12. The milk tasted sour.

13. We tasted the barbecue sauce.

14. The guard sounded the alarm.

15. Everyone in the bleachers sounded happy.

16. That Dutch apple pie smells delicious.

17. These candy sticks taste sour.

18. The florist appeared at the door with flowers for my sister.

19. Sherry looked in the attic.

20. Many visitors waited in line for tickets.