Punctuation Pretest


Directions: Copy the sentence. Add needed punctuation. Circle the punctuation you are adding, (to make it easier to correct.)


  1. Luke Watch out
  2. Isnt Dr  Strong your dentist asked Ms Arroyo
  3. She asked if I knew what the initials BC stood for
  4. Greg do you know who said A stitch in time saves nine asked Stephanie
  5. Coal miners police officers and firefighters have dangerous jobs
  6. A frisky playful puppy attacked my ankles
  7. Sixty two students arrived at 9 00 AM to clean the citys parks
  8. Butterscotch our gerbil had eight babies last week
  9. My aunts high school reunion was held on August 15 1983 in Gambier Ohio
  10. The two boys cat is lost and Im sure that theyre worried