Pt 5 Direct Objects 2


The word that receives the action of a verb is called the Direct Object. First, find the subject; next, find the verb. Then ask whom or what after the verb. The answer will be the Direct Object.

                Maria bought six oranges.                 Who or What are we talking about?                       Maria is the subject.

                                                                                What was Maria doing?                                                Bought is the verb.

                                                                                Maria bought whom or what?                     Oranges is the Direct Object.


Directions: For each sentence, write the SUBJECT, VERB, and the DIRECT OBJECT. Not every sentence will have a D.O.

1.        The Bureau of the Mint manufactures all coins.

2.        Kay will repair the brakes on her bike.

3.        Dolores made posters for the walkathon.

4.        The congressman flew to the Far East.

5.        Our basketball team won.

6.        Pat made pizzas for the party.

7.        The sailors unfurled the mainsail.

8.        Janet Guthrie drove to Olympia.

9.        The zookeeper fed the lions.

10.     Put your pencil down!

11.     The teacher sounded the gong.

12.     Mike shined Mr. Brown’s shoes.

13.     Mary called me over the phone.

14.     They were studying electricity in their science class.

15.     The children waved tiny flags.

16.     The lightning demolished the house and garage.

17.     We heard the angry cry of the mountain lion.

18.     The hunter shot the deer.

19.     The automobile struck the careless child.

20.     Someone has destroyed the fence.