Pt4 Subjects and Verbs 4

Unusual Positions of Subjects


Sentences beginning with THERE or HERE.

                There is never the subject. In these sentences, the subject will often come after the verb.

                                There should be some food.

                                Here is your pencil.


Sentences beginning with phrases or adverbs.

                With a sentence that has an unusual word order, first find the verb.  Then as WHO or WHAT.

                                Under the couch darted the mouse.

                                Up came the waves.


Imperative (Command) Sentences.

                In imperative sentences, which state commands or requests, the subject may not be stated. The word you is understood as the subject.

                                (You) Join us for supper.

                                (You) Sit down!


Interrogative (Question) Sentences.

                Often, the verb will be split into two parts, with the subject coming between the verb.

                                Have you seen my jacket?


Directions: For each sentence, write the SUBJECT and the VERB.

  1. There is a storm in the mountains.
  2. Before the storm, the girls closed the windows.
  3. Where is the key to your locker?
  4. Into the pool plunged the diver.
  5. From the haunted house came strange noises.
  6. There were many interruptions during the program.
  7. Across the street darted Mr. Walter’s cat.
  8. Finally, Roger understood the question.
  9. Up the tree scrambled the squirrels.
  10. Three hours after dark, Kevin crept from his tent.
  11. Here is my idea for our science project.
  12. Overhead floated brightly colored helium balloons.
  13. Down the Mississippi glided the coal barge.
  14. Suddenly the rocket exploded.
  15. In the tropical waters are many unusual and beautiful creatures.
  16. Run to the store and get some milk.
  17. Fly me to the moon.
  18. Don’t stand so close to me.
  19. Look ahead to your future.
  20. Sit down!
  21. There is room for five more people on the roller coaster.
  22. In last year’s competition, Al’s team won easily.
  23. Over the plains thundered the herd of zebras.
  24. Here is my bracelet.
  25. Where is a public telephone?
  26. Has the dog been fed?
  27. Have they painted the library?
  28. Did Carlos buy a new calculator.
  29. May I help you?
  30. Won’t this snow ever melt?