Pt4 Subjects and Verbs 3

Unusual Positions of Subjects


Sentences beginning with THERE or HERE.

                There is never the subject. In these sentences, the subject will often come after the verb.

                                There should be some food.

                                Here is your pencil.


Sentences beginning with phrases or adverbs.

                With a sentence that has an unusual word order, first find the verb.  Then as WHO or WHAT.

                                Under the couch darted the mouse.

                                Up came the waves.


Imperative (Command) Sentences.

                In imperative sentences, which state commands or requests, the subject may not be stated. The word you is understood as the subject.

                                (You) Join us for supper.

                                (You) Sit down!


Interrogative (Question) Sentences.

                Often, the verb will be split into two parts, with the subject coming between the verb.

                                Have you seen my jacket?


Directions: For each sentence, write the SUBJECT and the VERB.

  1. There stood the trophy.
  2. There will be basketball practice tomorrow.
  3. There go our runners.
  4. There was a sudden pause.
  5. There will be pony races.
  6. Hang on!
  7. Don’t just stand there.
  8. Turn in your homework on time for full credit.
  9. Wipe your feet before entering the gym.
  10. Halt!
  11. Are there two minutes left?
  12. Did you read the article about bicycles?
  13. Have you seen that movie?
  14. Do you like frozen yogurt?
  15. Are these books yours?
  16. After the storm a beautiful rainbow appeared.
  17. Over the phone came the reply.
  18. Over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go.
  19. Out came the sun.
  20. Down came the rain.
  21. Through the back door the new puppy scampered.
  22. Over the hill the motorcyclists raced.
  23. Did the rocket misfire?
  24. Find the villain.
  25. Here is the newspaper.
  26. Out swarmed the bees.
  27. Here are the results of the test.
  28. Onto the field the marching band paraded.
  29. Fire this ceramic vase in the kiln.
  30. Did you read the editorial in the newspaper?