Pt2 Subjects and Verbs 3


A Subject  tells “WHO” or “WHAT” the sentence is about.


A  Verb tells “what the subject is doing” for an action verb.

-a verb also may be a linking verb and express a “state of being.”

Look for: is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being



Directions: For each sentence, write the SUBJECT and the VERB.


  1. Goldie’s long, blond hair gleamed in the sunlight.
  2. The huge gorilla frightened the children.
  3. That program begins at 8:00 PM.
  4. The gardener prunes the hedges every spring.
  5. The tall, lanky boy scored ten baskets during the game.
  6. The English teacher explained the lesson simply.
  7. My grandmother knits sweaters for us for Christmas.
  8. A quick dip in the pool improves your circulation.
  9. The angry catcher shouted at the umpire.
  10. Straight black lines mark the boundaries of the court.
  11. The tiny, helpless infant cried for its mother.
  12. Jeff’s new bike has a flat tire.
  13. I need a pencil with an eraser.
  14. Knee-deep snow awaited us outside the door.
  15. My red and white jersey is dirty.