Pt2 Subjects and Verbs 1


A Subject  tells “WHO” or “WHAT” the sentence is about.


A  Verb tells “what the subject is doing” for an action verb.

-a verb also may be a linking verb and express a “state of being.”

Look for: is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being



Directions: For each sentence, write the SUBJECT and the VERB.


  1. Ms. Phillips handed out the test booklets.
  2. All of my friends came to my Halloween party.
  3. Gloria studies Spanish.
  4. Ice Hockey is my favorite winter sport.
  5. The janitor found a wool cap in the locker room.
  6. I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch.
  7. Who remembers the correct answer?
  8. My boots are waterproof.
  9. The antique china teapot is from England.
  10. Anne Murray sang a medley of songs.
  11. The librarian showed us several new books.
  12. Bobbie played tennis with Mike.
  13. My blue jeans are very comfortable.
  14. Debbie babysits after school on Tuesdays.
  15. The boy in the yellow T-shirt is my neighbor.