Pt1 Sentence or Fragment 1


A SENTENCE is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. 

                A sentence has a Subject – which tells “who” or “what” the sentence is about.

                A sentence also has a Verb – which tells “what the subject is doing” for an action verb.

-          a verb also may be a linking verb and express a “state of being.”

Look for: is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being



A FRAGMENT is a group of words that does not express a complete thought. Fragments may be missing subjects, verbs, or both.


Directions: if the group of words is a sentence, mark “S”; if the group of words is a fragment, mark “F”.

Rewrite all fragments into complete sentences.


  1. After school on Friday
  2. The noise in the library
  3. We put food in the cat’s dish
  4. The mail box on the corner
  5. From the post office to the city hall
  6. Everyone worked hard on the project
  7. We always order pizza on Saturday night
  8. A commercial on TV
  9. Which color do you prefer
  10. During the sale at Sears
  11. The red or the blue
  12. Whose bicycle is in the driveway
  13. Why is everyone so late
  14. Due to the heavy rain and flooding
  15. With a special magnetic pencil