Mr. Pat Durr


Grading Policy



Grades are made up of several components.


First, writing assignments include both essays and short answer worksheet. Both writing assignments may be rewritten for higher scores if the first score is not satisfactory.


Second, quizzes and tests covering literature are added to the total grade.


Third, talks and/or speeches are required for each triad.


Fourth, 50 points are awarded for behavior. A student loses points through the infraction of rules. It is felt that students who behave, add to the positive climate of the class and more learning can take place. Those who disrupt the learning environment prevent me from teaching and students from learning. That negative behavior may affect the academic grade.


Fifth, students create and add to electronic portfolios representing academic work, community service, and personal hobbies. A completed portfolio is worth 50 points. Many speeches and presentations can be based from the portfolio. This is an area where students can add extra credit points to their grades.


Sixth, vocabulary unit assignments and tests will also be added to the total grade.


A percentage is tabulated based on all recorded grades. Percentages are converted to a letter grade based on English department guidelines.                                                                                         100 – 90 =A

                                                                                                                                  89 – 80 = B

                                                                                                                                  79 – 70 = C

                                                                                                                                  69 – 62 = D

                                                                                                                                  61 –   0 = F



Homework Policy


In English class, time is given to work in the classroom. Many students complete their work in class. Some students take more time for various reasons.  If an assignment is not turned in on the due date, the score recorded is zero until it is completed. Overdue assignments may be made up at any time during the current semester for half credit. For example, a student can make up a missed assignment from the first triad during the third triad. Assignments turned in on time, that meet basic criteria, can be completed a second time for a possible higher grade.


It is the student’s responsibility to come in to school early, stop by during lunch, or stay after school if more time is needed to complete work, or when absent, to get the assignment. Most assignments can be accessed from the class website. Assignments may be turned in through email. Most work is digital. The student should have a jump drive to transfer files from home to school or school to home. All written work, especially essays, are required to be stored in the student’s electronic portfolio.