

English 9       

Speech #1   Show, Don’t Tell about a special event or person in your life.


___  must last a minimum of one minute


____  Introduction

   10                        __  lead statement

                                __  explain the lead

                                __  introduce yourself

                                __  summary of the person or event that is special in your life


____  Body of the Speech

   20                        __  use specific details that show why this event/person is important to you

                                __  elaborate telling an anecdote or story that illustrates the point about the person.


__  use specific details that show why this event/person is important to you

                                __  elaborate telling an anecdote or story that illustrates the point about the person.


____  Conclusion

   10                        __  restate the name of the person/event and again tell why he/it is important

                                __  share how this event or this person has changed you

                                __  hook back to the lead


____     Delivery/Conventions

  10                   __  speech was organized, not confusing

__  voice volume

                                __  speak clearly

                                __  voice inflection

                                __  use of gestures, body, posture, eye contact

                                __  good appearance – no gum, hat, outside jacket


____  Total Score  (minimum of 31 required to meet standard)




____   Extra Credit

                        _5_  video clip of presentation posted

                                _5_ extra presentation of a scene with others, video clip

                                _5_ dressed in costume





















List of famous dramatic speeches from Shakespeare to help the student get started. One does not need to choose from this list. It is merely added for those who are not familiar with Shakespeare’s play and need help to select an appropriate piece for presentation.


1. Merchant of Venice. ActIII, scene 1  Shylock: “To bait fish withal…”


2. Merchant of Venice. Act IV, scene1, line 184, Portia: “The quality of mercy in never strained…”


3. Taming of the Shrew. Act V, Katherine: Fie! Fie! Unknit that threatening unkind brow…”


4. Julius Caesar. Act III, scene 2, Antonio: “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears;…


5. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Act III, scene 1. Hamlet: “To be, or not to be…”


6. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Act III, scene 2. Hamlet: “Speak the speech…”


7. Romeo and Juliet. Act III scene 2. Juliet “Gallup apace, you fiery-footed steeds, …”


8.  Romeo and Juliet. Act IV, scene 3. Juliet: “Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again…”


9. As You Like It. Act II, scene 7, line 136 Jaques: “All the world’s a stage…”

10. Richard II. Act II, scene 1. Gaunt: “This royal throne of kings…”


11. Henry V. Act IV, scene 3. Westmoreland: “O that we now had here…”


12. Henry V. Act IV, scene 3. King Henry: “What’s he that wishes so…”