Tom Sawyer  chapters 21-25 worksheet


Directions: Answer each question with a complete sentence.


1. Why do Tom and Huck have a conversation about the murder? What do they talk about?


2. How does Tom feel about Muff Potter? How does Huck feel about him?


3. When the boys visit Muff in jail, how does he respond to their visits and gifts? What kind of person does this reveal Muff to be?


4. Why does Tom have nightmares?


5. Why do you think he decides to tell Muff’s lawyer the truth?


6. What effect does the chapter ending (Joe’s jumping through the window) have on the reader?


7. Why do you think Tom changed his mind about testifying in Muff’s behalf? How does this act show him to be a “good boy,” rather than a “bad boy”?


8. Why doesn’t Huck seem to respond in the same way as Tom? How does Huck’s inaction reinforce the picture of him as “outside” society, as the “bad boy”?


9. What are Tom and Huck’s fears about Injun Joe’s revenge? Do you think these fears are realistic?


10. Are Tom and Huck playing at treasure hunting, or do you think they really believe they might find treasure?