Tom Sawyer wkst Chapters 1- 5.


Directions: Answer each question with a complete sentence, incorporating the question as part of the answer.


1. How is Tom able to fool Aunt Polly about not skipping school and going swimming?


2. How does Aunt Polly feel about Tom?


3. How are Tom and Sid different?


4. How does Tom convince others to do his whitewashing for him?


5. Although readers feel Tom is being clever with the whitewashing scene, Twain is using this as a satirical description of what type of economic system employed in the southern states?


6. Briefly compare Aunt Polly’s swatting of Jim out at the fence during the whitewashing scene; and then later, her swatting of Tom at the table at the broken sugar bowl scene.


7. How does Tom acquire enough tickets to earn a Bible?


8. According to Twain, what is the difference between work and play?


9. Describe the dog’s visit to church.


10. Many people, adults and children, are described as “showing off” in these chapters. Describe one of these.