Tom Sawyer chapters 11-15 worksheet.


Directions: Answer each question on a separate sheet of paper with a complete sentence. Incorporate the question as part of the answer.


1. Why does Muff Potter become the murder suspect?


2. Why do you think the villagers accept Joe’s version of events so readily even though everyone knew he was participating in grave robbing?


3. Name at least two different groups of characters that make promises not to tell something.


4. Aunt Polly gets mad when Tom gives Peter, the cat, some painkiller. What makes her change her mind and forgive Tom?


5. Why do Tom and Joe decide to run away?


6. In spite of the fun they were having on the island, Tom and Joe experience homesickness. What do you think is lacking on the island?


7. How does Huck’s ability to fall asleep compare with Tom and Joe’s?


8. What is the explanation behind the boom of the cannon that the boys heard?


9. When Tom visits home, Aunt Polly and Mrs. Harper are weeping and remembering the boys in loving ways. List one such memory about Tom and one about Joe.


10. Are these memories positive or negative? What does this tell the reader?


11. Reread the description of Tom’s awakening that begins, “Now, far away in the woods a bird called…” (the second paragraph of chapter 14). What mood does this passage create?


12. What do you think Twain is saying about nature?