The Pigman   worksheet 1


Directions: on a separate sheet of paper, answer each question with a complete sentence.



1. How are John and Lorraine similar? Include three details that show their similarities.


2. What is the purpose of John and Lorraine writing this story? That is, why are they telling the story?


3. When John was a freshman, what did he do in school 23 times?


4. What else did John do on Wednesdays  at school?


5. To what does Lorraine attribute John’s drinking beer?


6. How did John and Lorraine get to know the Pigman.


7. Why was Norton Kelly called the “marshmallow kid?”


8. What was the object of the telephone marathon?


9. Based on information so far in the story, what generalization can be made about John? What can you say about him?


10. What is Lorraine’s problem with her mother?


11. List four examples from the story that deal with death and/or dying.