Odyssey Test


1.  What is the relationship between Odysseus and the gods?

A. the gods are all protecting him.

B. the gods are ignoring him.

C. the gods are testing him.

D. the gods think he is wonderful.


2. Why does Odysseus describe his homeland in detail?

                A. he assumes that his host has never been there and does not know what it is like.

                B. he wants to prove that he is who he says he is.

                C. he wants to impress his host.

                D. he wants to prove that it is more beautiful than his host’s land.


3. What war was Odysseus fighting before the Odyssey begins?

                A. the Athenean Battles

                B. the Greco-Roman War

                C. the Pelloponisian War

                D. the Trojan War


4. What was this battle about?

                A. land rights

                B. Helen

                C. trade agreements

                D. Joan of Arc


5. Odysseus is king of what land?

                A. Crete

                B. Troy

                C. Italy

                D. Ithaca


6. Which of the following does Odysseus value the most?

                A. wealth

                B. fighting in wars

                C. his homeland

                D. foreign lands


7. What modern thing is the Lotus most like?

                A. a medicine

                B. an addictive drug

                C. a sunflower

                D. a delicious food


8. What effect did Odysseus fear that the Lotus would have on his crew?

                A. it would make them sleepy

                B. it would make them fight with each other

                C. it would make them lose the will to get back home

                D. it would kill them


9. Which word does NOT describe the Cyclops?

                A. giant

                B. sheepherder

                C. savage

                D. intelligent


10. At the beginning of the selection, why did Odysseus wait for the Cyclops to come back to his cave?

                A. Odysseus wanted to kill the Cyclops.

                B. Odysseus wanted to capture the Cyclops.

                C. Odysseus wanted to see what the Cyclops was like.

                D. Odysseus wanted to make the Cyclops angry.


11. What was the Cyclops’ gift for Odysseus in exchange for the wine?

                A. He would let Odysseus go free.

                B. He would eat Odysseus last.

                C. He would give Odysseus a lamb.

                D. He would spare the rest of Odysseus’ men.


12. A wizard predicted that the Cyclops would be blinded by someone named Odysseus. Why did the Cyclops not suspect that Odysseus was that person?

                A. The Cyclops did not believe the wizard’s prediction.

                B. The Cyclops thought the person would come alone and Odysseus had other people with him.

                C. The Cyclops thought the person would be huge and Odysseus was small.

                D. The Cyclops thought the person would not come for many years.


13. Why were Odysseus’ men not afraid of Circe at first?

                A. Circe put a spell on them immediately.

                B. Circe looked like a harmless girl weaving and singing.

                C. Circe promised not to hurt them.


14. Why did Odysseus’ crew weep when he returned to the ship from Circe’s palace?

                A. They were angry with him for leaving them.            

                B. They cried joyful tears because they thought now they would be leaving for home.

                C. They were terrified of having been left alone in a strange land.


15. Why did Odysseus become angry with Eurylochus?

                A. Eurylochus questioned Odysseus’ commands.

                B. Odysseus thought that Eurylochus was a coward.

                C. Odysseus thought that Eurylochus wanted Circe for himself.


16. Why is Odysseus able to avoid Circe’s spell?

                A. He has strong will power.

                B. He is protected by Hermes’ flower.

                C. He follows Eurylochus’ advice.


17. For what reason does Circe tell Odysseus that he and his men should stay?

                A. Odysseus owed her a favor.

                B. Odysseus and his men deserved a pleasant rest after their hard travels.

                C. Circe wants to spend time with Eurylochus.


18. What does Circe do to Odysseus’ men?

                A. turn them into pigs

                B. eats them

                C. puts them to sleep for 100 years


19. Where Does Circe send Odysseus for a prophecy?

                A. to Calypso

                B. the Land of the Dead

                C. to the Laestrygonians


20. Why did Odysseus plug his crew’s ears with wax when they sailed past the Sirens?

                A. Odysseus wanted to be the only one to hear their exotic song.

                B. Odysseus did not want his crew to know anything about the Sirens.

                C. Odysseus knew that the Sirens’ song would hypnotize his crew and send them to their doom.


21. How did Circe help Odysseus?

                A. She planned his future course in detail.

                B. She promised to protect him from all danger.

                C. She told him about the dangers he would face.


22. Why did Odysseus give his crew a pep talk before they came to Scylla and Charybdis?

                A. He wanted them to know all about Scylla and Charybdis.

                B. He knew the men had heard terrible stories about Scylla and Charybdis.

                C. The men were frightened by the sound of the waves.


23. What does Odysseus compare to a man hooking a fish with a fishing line?

                A. his crew tying him to the mast

                B. Scylla dangling the men she has caught overhead

                C. Scylla pulling the men under the sea


24. Which two characters pose the same kind of danger to Odysseus and his crew?

                A. Circe and the Cyclops

                B. the Sirens and the Cyclops

                C. the Cyclops and the Lotus Eaters

                D. Circe and the Lotus Eaters


25. How are the Cyclops and Scylla alike?

                A. They enchant their victims.

                B. They each have more than one head.

                C. They eat their victims.

                D. They live in the ocean.


26. What caused Odysseus to finally leave Circe’s palace?

                A. Odysseus’ men asked him to continue his journey home.

                B. Circe angered Odysseus by breaking her promise to him.

                C. Circe’s magic wore off.

                D. Odysseus wanted to see the underworld.


27. Who is most responsible for the delays in Odysseus’ journey home?

                A. his crew

                B. the Lotus Eaters

                C. the gods

                D. the Cyclops


28. Why did Odysseus have to trick the blinded Cyclops to escape from his cave?

                A. Odysseus was tied up

                B. A huge rock was blocking the entrance to the cave

                C. Odysseus was drugged

                D. Another Cyclops was guarding the entrance to the cave


29. Which character both helps and hinders Odysseus at different times?

                A. Scylla

                B. Circe

                C. the Cyclops

                D. Charybdis


30. Which is NOT an important theme of the Odyssey?

                A. In the journey of life, there are dangers and temptations everywhere.

                B. A person can overcome great obstacles with cleverness and courage.

                C. Nothing is solved by fighting and bloodshed.

                D. A person will do almost anything to get back home.