Miracle Worker Quiz.

Directions: Put the letter of the answer on a separate sheet of paper.


  1. You are on a southbound train that has just left Boston Station. Your attention has been drawn to a young woman with sunglasses holding a doll, who is sitting a few seats ahead of you. You go up to her and ask her what her name is. What does she reply?
    1. Helen
    2. Martha
    3. Katie
    4. Annie


  1. The woman tells you she is going to see the Kellers, and has been hired to teach their daughter who is deaf and blind. Is the woman you are talking to blind herself?
    1. yes
    2. no


  1. The train stops, and you and the woman get off. You are in Alabama. The woman goes over to talk with a man and another woman. The man’s name is _____.
    1. Percy
    2. Anagnos
    3. Arthur
    4. James


  1. She seems surprised at the man’s name. She explains that she used to have a _____ with the same name.
    1. father
    2. son
    3. brother
    4. teacher


  1. What was wrong with Jimmy when he was put in the asylum?
    1. broken leg
    2. mute
    3. blind
    4. retarded


  1. You go with the three individuals to the Keller homestead. When the woman first starts teaching Helen, she uses sign language. What is the first word she teaches her?
    1. cake
    2. key
    3. ladder
    4. doll


  1. When Helen locked Annie in her room upstairs, who brought her down with a ladder?
    1. Helen
    2. James
    3. Captain Keller
    4. Herself


  1. Annie takes Helen to live out in the garden house in the yard. Who else is there with them?
    1. Percy
    2. Arthur
    3. Katie
    4. Katie and Arthur


  1. Two weeks later, Helen says her first words. What does she say?
    1. Ta. Ta.
    2. Wa. Wa.
    3. Ma. Ma.
    4. Da. Da.


  1. When Helen takes the house keys from Katie and gives them to Annie, this signifies that:
    1. Annie now owns the Keller house.
    2. Helen completely trusts Annie.
    3. Helen doesn’t trust her mother.
    4. Helen wants Annie to lock her in the garden shed.


  1. Many of Helen’s behavior problems are actually reinforced by:
    1. Annie’s method of teaching.
    2. The servants giving her extra food.
    3. Helen’s family letting her do whatever she wants.
    4. Percy’s stealing Helen’s doll.


  1. “Obedience without understanding is blindness too.” This statement would apply to:
    1. Helen slopping her hands in everyone’s dinner plates.
    2. Helen locking Annie in her room.
    3. Katie giving Helen an extra piece of cake.
    4. Helen eating properly, using a napkin.


  1. Helen’s most important discovery happens at:
    1. the water pump
    2. the garden shed
    3. the dinner table
    4. in her room


  1. James finally resolves his conflict with his father when he:
    1. lets Helen eat his dinner
    2. stops Keller from following Annie upstairs
    3. picks up Annie at the train station
    4. brings out the ladder to rescue Annie


  1. What action by Helen started an argument at the Keller dinner table?
    1. The cook burned the meat.
    2. Percy did not show up in time for dinner.
    3. Helen threw her napkin on the floor.
    4. Annie announced that she quit.


  1. Loves Helen but doesn’t know how to care for her.
    1. Annie
    2. Katie
    3. Percy
    4. Joseph


  1. Doesn’t want to keep trying to find doctors and cures for Helen.
    1. Annie
    2. Katie
    3. Captain Keller
    4. Percy


  1. Frustrated by the fact that she can’t communicate.
    1. Annie
    2. Helen
    3. Katie
    4. Captain Keller


  1. What reasons did Annie give to Katie for being hired?
    1. She’s young with a lot of energy.
    2. She studied Dr. Howe’s methods.
    3. She’s been blind.
    4. All of these.


  1. Annie has several flashbacks during the play. What is she remembering?
    1. Her last teaching job.
    2. Her time spent in an asylum with her brother James.
    3. Her travels in Europe.
    4. Her lines in the play.