Fact or Opinion CQI Practice


Read this short selection. Then answer the questions.


For the past 100 years, people in the Northwest have seen strange things in the woods. Some describe it as something like a hairy ape. Others say it is less ape-like and more human-like, except that the thing is huge – sometimes described as tall as 10-12 feet tall! Whatever it is, it has captured the imagination of people all over the world. Although no one seems to have any clear proof, belief in “Bigfoot” still abounds.


One famous picture taken in the mid ‘60’s seems to be an ape-like, large humanoid bigfoot walking through the woods. This one photo seemed to be genuine, but skeptics claim that the picture certainly seemed staged. Everyone is left to decide for themselves.


Others claim to have plaster casts of “footprints” left by bigfoot. And this makes some people scared. The casts themselves are huge. The being who made these footprints would have to be massive, probably 400-500 pounds and much higher than 8 feet tall. Again, skeptics say that the footprints prove nothing. The prints could have be made by pranksters.


Believers say that just because there is no positive proof that Bigfoot exists, does not mean that it does not exist. They remind us that there are examples of many kinds of species that continue to be discovered year after year. Just because we haven’t found them yet doesn’t mean that we won’t find them later on.


We may never be able to find positive proof about bigfoot, but that won’t stop some people from believing in him.


Fact or Opinion?

1. Bigfoot is a threat to people in the Northwest.

2. The famous picture of Bigfoot was taken in the 1960’s.

3. Some people believe there is a huge creature living in the Northwest woods.

4. People theorize that Bigfoot exists even though it hasn’t been proved.

5. Believers in Bigfoot are gullible people.

6. People who doubt the existence of Bigfoot are sensible people.