Beowulf Test


  1. Beowulf is:

A.      an epic poem

B.      a lyric poem

C.      a narrative poem


  1. Beowulf came from:

A.      Sweden

B.      Denmark

C.      Norway

D.      Finland


  1. Beowulf and Grendel stand respectively for:

A.      bravery and cowardice

B.      saints and devils

C.      good and evil

D.      strengths and weaknesses


  1. Grendel died as a result of :

A.      sword wounds

B.      loss of blood

C.      drowning

D.      strangulation


  1. Beowulf’s first “blood soaked trophy” was Grendel’s:

A.      head

B.      hand

C.      leg

D.      arm


  1. Grendel attacked Heorot for:

A.      1 year

B.      100 years

C.      12 years

D.      1,200 years


  1. Hrothgar warned Beowulf that Grendel:

A.      had the strength of twenty warriors.

B.      Was almost twelve feet tall

C.      Could not be killed by a weapon make by humans

D.      Left his lair when the moon was brightest


  1. To defeat Grendel, Beowulf used:

A.      a magic sword

B.      his bare hands

C.      fire

D.      poison


  1. Unferth accused Beowulf of:

A.      cowardice

B.      lying

C.      bragging

D.      greed


  1. For killing Grendel, Hrothgar gave Beowulf:

A.      many precious gifts

B.      eight horses

C.      gold and silver

D.      armor




  1. Beowulf wills to Unferth and Hygelac his:

A.      sword and treasure

B.      armor and sword

C.      sword and horses

D.      treasure and horses


  1. Beowulf cut off the head of the dead Grendel because:

A.      the sight of the monster enraged him

B.      he felt violent

C.      he wanted a trophy


  1. Grendel’s mother showed her grief for her dead son by:

A.      wailing

B.      bursting into fits of rage

C.      attacking Heorot

D.      isolating herself


  1. Grendel’s mother hoped to kill Beowulf:

A.      by crushing his body

B.      with her talons

C.      by dragging him into the flames

D.      with her knife


  1. Hrunting:

A.      penetrated the she-monster’s bosom

B.      cut off her arm

C.      crumpled like a reed against the she-monster’s skull

D.      melted in the fire


  1. Beowulf killed the she-monster:

A.      by choking her with a heavy rope

B.      with a gigantic sword

C.      with her own knife

D.      by slamming the cave door on her


  1. Grendel’s mother lived in a:

A.      hut

B.      den under a lake

C.      castle

D.      reef


  1. Beowulf offered Hrothgar:

A.      gold

B.      Hrunting

C.      The giant sword

D.      Grendel’s head and the remains of the giant sword


  1. Hrothgar and the men believed that Beowulf was dead when:

A.      blood bubbled on the lake

B.      his mailcoat was found

C.      a dragon appeared

D.      his horn ceased


  1. After slaying Grendel’s mother, Beowulf:

A.      threatened to take Heorot

B.      demanded treasure chests

C.      returned to his native land

D.      hunted other monsters






  1. According to the Beowulf saga, the bodies of dead kings were:

A.      sealed in a crypt

B.      burned on a funeral pyre

C.      sent to sea

D.      frozen


  1. The fire dragon was mad because:

A.      a drunken warrior had pounded it with rocks

B.      a thief had stolen some treasure it guarded

C.      Heardred had died


  1. As Beowulf grew older, he hoped to die:

A.      in battle

B.      in his sleep

C.      in peace

D.      of old age


  1. As Beowulf prepared to fight the dragon, he:

A.      felt afraid for the first time

B.      felt no lust for battle and seemed to sense doom

C.      prayed

D.      was depressed


  1. Beowulf’s warriors forsook him when they saw:

A.      him stumbling and choking

B.      the dragon’s fire

C.      the dragon pulling Wiglaf into the water

D.      his shield melt


  1. The dragon was killed by:

A.      Wiglaf

B.      Urethaean

C.      Beowulf and Wiglaf


  1. Wiglaf was a perfect example of a knight because he was:

A.      handsome

B.      powerful

C.      fearless

D.      loyal and courageous


  1. Beowulf’s request that the Mound of Beowulf be built showed that he was:

A.      Arrogant and proud

B.      Generous and kind

C.      Dedicated


  1. The treasure:

A.      was distributed among the poor

B.      was buried with Beowulf’s ashes

C.      remained in the fire

D.      was divided evenly among Beowulf’s men


  1. Where the treasure came from was revealed by:

A.      Heardred

B.      Wiglaf

C.      No one

D.      The fire dragon