Name _________________


ENGLISH 10             



____  Ideas, and Preparation


__  student provides resume


__  interview was at least three minutes

                                                (anything less than two and a half minutes is an automatic D, at best; anything

                                                less than two minutes is an automatic F and needs to be redone)

                                __  responses sounded practiced, honest, not glib.

                                __  responses illustrated/elaborated the questions being asked.




__  responses clearly elaborate on points made on resume, not merely restating the resume points.

                                __  responses are kept positive, spinning possible negatives into a positives.

                                __  responses stay true to self, responses show understanding  of self.


                                __  asked appropriate questions when given a chance, questions demonstrate research.

                                __  ended the interview by thanking the interviewer for time, chance to talk.



                                __  interview responses were school appropriate



____  Voice and Delivery


                        __  consistently strong volume

                                __  appropriate, steady, understandable rate

                                __  some emotion or enthusiasm evident

                                __  long hesitations or pauses avoided


____  Self Awareness


                        __  frequent eye contact with your interviewer

                                __  You did not hide behind your cap, hood, or hair

                                __  You did not have gum in your mouth

                                __  seated appropriately, not slouching, etc.

__  control nervous energy. You were not bouncing, twisting, rocking, swaying, (nor standing stiff as a board)



____  Total   (minimum of 30 needed for credit)




Assignment:This speech will be how to participate in an interview based from a resume. The student needs to provide a resume for the interviewer. The interviewer will ask generalized questions based on the resume.


The student needs to be able to articulate, illustrate, and elaborate on those points listed on his or her resume.  


The student needs to be able to speak clearly, sit still, be honest, yet positive about his or her answers.