Of Mice and Men Final Test



1. The reader gains an early indication of Lennie’s problem when

                A. he admits to George that he can’t read traffic signs

                B. we learn about the dead mouse in his pocket

                C. he forgets his own name


2. When Steinbeck tells us that Lennie likes to pet things, he is using the technique of

                A. narration

                B. graphic description

                C. foreshadowing


3. George would make Lennie feel bad by

                A. telling him what a burden Lennie is to him

                B. teasing him about the rabbit farm

                C. refusing to give him any spending money


4. What does Lennie say he can do if George does not want him around anymore?

                A. he says he can get his own farm

                B. he says he can go off into the hills and find a cave

                C. he says he can just stay behind at the pool

                D. he says he can get a job away from George


5. George and Lennie felt that they were different from other itinerant ranch hands because they

                A. had desirable skills

                B. liked to put roots down in one place

                C. could look after each other


6. George explained Lennie’s problem to everyone by saying

                A. he had been the victim of a childhood disease

                B. he had been kicked in the head by a horse

                C. his parents had kept him out of school


7. What excites Lennie the most about his dream life with George?

                A. he will get to tend rabbits

                B. he will get to use a stove

                C. he will get to have a garden

                D. he will have a vegetable patch


8. What does George say he could do if he were alone?

                A. go to a “cat house”

                B. drink whiskey all night

                C. play cards at a pool hall all night

                D. all of the above


9. In his first meeting with both men, Curley was irritated because

                A. George did all the talking

                B. Lennie talked back to him and showed disrespect

                C. they seemed incompetent


10.  What does Curley wear to set himself apart from the other men?

                A. gloves

                B. hat

                C. high-heeled boots

                D. a different colored shirt



11.Candy, the old swamper, characterized Curley’s new bride as

                A. a whiner

                B. a frustrated actress

                C. a tart


12. Which of the following does not describe Curley’s wife when she first enters the bunk house?

                A. seductive

                B. confrontational

                C. worried

                D. angry


13. Why does Curley dislike Lennie?

                A. Lennie laughs at Curley

                B. the boss tells Curley to watch out for Lennie

                C. Curley is jealous of those who are bigger than he

                D. Lennie ogles his wife


14. What do the men think of Curley’s wife?

                A. they think that she is a tart

                B. they think that she married Curley for money

                C. they suspect that she married Curley because she is pregnant

                D. they pity her for her marriage to Curley


15. Which of the following are significant about George’s story about the river?

                A. it shows that Lennie is an innocent who does not know the consequences of his actions

                B. it shows that Lennie will obey George unconditionally

                C. it shows that George is capable of cruelty toward Lennie

                D. all of these


16. Which of the following is NOT an explanation for why Lennie and George travel together?

                A. George fears becoming violent and mean if left to himself

                B. Lennie needs constant supervision

                C. George feels responsible for Lennie

                D. Lennie is George’s only surviving relative


17. The story of Lennie’s near disaster in the town of Weed

                A. showed that Lennie might be a rapist

                B. exacerbated Curley’s bitterness toward both men

                C. foreshadowed later events in the story


18. When Lennie thought of the idyllic future on their own farm, he said,

                A. “I’ll save alla my dollahs for that, George.”

                B. “We could live off the fatta the lan.”

                C. “Ain’t nobody gonna stan’ in our way.”


19. Which of these comparisons between Candy and his dog are not true?

                A. Candy and his dog are both outcasts

                B. Candy and his dog are both aged and decrepit

                C. Candy and his dog are both barely able to function without others’ help

                D. Candy and his dog are both sacrificed when useless


20. Why does Candy let Carlson shoot his dog?

                A. Cancy is pressured into letting Carlson shoot his dog

                B. Candy knows that his dog will only suffer if he lives

                C. Carlson offers Candy another dog




21. Which of the ranch workers has a dog that recently had a litter of puppies?

                A. Crooks

                B. Slim

                C. Carlson

                D. Candy


22. What does Slim have that Lennie wants?

                A. the best bunk

                B. puppies

                C. a gun

                D. a wife


23. What does Lennie finally do when Curley punches him?

                A. he does not fight back at all

                B. he begins to weep

                C. he attempts to strangle Curley

                D. he crushes Curley’s hand


24. Curley was

                A. blackmailed into lying about his broken hand

                B. a bully who liked to provoke fights

                C. outraged when he thought Lennie had been laughing at him

                D. all of the above


25. The lowest man in the ranch hierarchy was

                A. Candy, the swamper

                B. Crooks, the stable buck

                C. Bill Tenner, the mule skinner


26. Where does George go at night without Lennie?

                A. to sleep with Curley’s wife

                B. a whorehouse

                C. a strip joint

                D. a pool hall


27. Which of the following characters does not remain at the farm at night?

                A. Lennie

                B. Crooks

                C. Slim

                D. Candy


28. According to Crooks, what would happen to Lennie without George?

                A. he would live like an animal

                B. he would be unable to support himself

                C. he would end up killing himself

                D. he would be sent to an asylum


29. How did Crooks get his name?

                A. he has a crooked back

                B. he walks in a crooked pattern

                C. he was named that after his personality

                D. he just likes to be called that


30. Who do George and Lennie agree to let live on their farm with them?

                A. Crooks

                B. Curley’s wife

                C. Candy

                D. Carlson

31.  What does Crooks say to Lennie that upsets him?

                A. he says that George might be hurt

                B. he says that he doesn’t’ like Lennie

                C. he says that he doesn’t like rabbits

                D. he tells Lennie to go away


32. According to Curley’s wife, under what condition do men speak to her?

                A. when she behaves like a proper wife

                B.  when Curley is around

                C. when they are alone


33. When Lennie sat in the barn:

                A. he was hiding from Slim

                B. he had killed his puppy

                C. he was staying with the horses


34. Lennie’s puppy died when

                A. Carlson ran over it

                B. Curley drowned it

                C. Lennie hit it


35. When Curley’s wife came into the barn:

                A. Lennie told her about the horses

                B. Lennie refuses to talk to her at first

                C. Lennie hides in a bale of hay


36. What did Curley’s wife have a chance to be?

                A. a nurse

                B. a writer

                C. a movie star

                D. a farmer


37. Curley’s wife precipitated her own death by

                A. enticing Lennie down to the river bank

                B. inviting Lennie to stroke her hair

                C. giving Lennie the eye in front of her husband


38. Which of the following is not a dangerous woman in the novel?

                A. the woman from Weed

                B. Curley’s wife

                C. Aunt Clara


39. What is the name of Curley’s wife?

                A. she is never named

                B. Colleen

                C. Clara

                D. Suzy


40. After Lennie kills Curley’s wife, he:

                A. goes and tells George

                B. panics and runs away

                C. drags her into the hay


41. After killing Curley’s wife, who does Lennie imagine scolding him for his bad behavior?

                A. George and Curley

                B. George’s mother and the boss

                C. his aunt Clara and a giant rabbit

                D. Crooks and his aunt Clara

42. Who does Candy blame for the death of Curley’s wife?

                A. George

                B. Lennie

                C. Curley’s wife

                D. Curley


43. Which of these animals is NOT killed in the course of the story?

                A. a mouse

                B. a puppy

                C. a rabbit

                D. an old dog


44. Which of the following is significant about George’s speech to Lennie?

                A. George has given the speech many times, showing the tenacity with which they hold their dreams

                B. George’s dreams for the future contrast with their current situation

                C. the speech demonstrates Lennie’s fixation in simplistic pleasures

                D. all of these


45. Who’s gun does George take before he goes to find Lennie?

                A. Carlson’s

                B. Slim’s

                C. Crook’s

                D. his own


46. When Curley and the rest of the men find Curley’s wife:

                A. they plan a man hunt to find and shoot him

                B. they call the sheriff

                C. they don’t believe Lennie could have done it


47. While waiting at the river bank for George, Lennie conjured up a vision of

                A. his Aunt Clara

                B. the posse that was coming to hang him

                C. the woman in the red dress in Weed


48. What does George say to Lennie before shooting him?

                A. he tells him that he’s done a bad thing

                B. he tells him to think of the farm they are going to get

                C. he tells him to think of a rabbit

                D. he tells him how he ruined their plan


49. George felt that he had to carry out the execution

                A. as retribution for Lennie’s crime

                B. before the other men would get to Lennie

                C. since Lennie had ruined their future


50. What is the difference of George shooting Lennie or Curley shooting Lennie?

                A. Curley wants to shoot Lennie in the guts and make him suffer

                B. George wants to shoot Lennie in the back of the head so he doesn’t suffer

                C. Curley wants to shoot Lennie out of meaness

                D. George wants to shoot Lennie out of kindness

                E. all of these