Extra Credit Opportunities: All extra credit opportunities are short 3 minute, stand-and-deliver presentations using technology.


Some examples are:


1. Hobby Presentation: Take digital pictures of you and your hobby. Stand and deliver a short talk about your hobby. While showing the pictures on the LCD projector, have a short introduction, then talk about and explain your hobby; finally, end with a conclusion on why this hobby is important to you.


2. Sports or Club Presentation:  Take digital pictures of you and your sport or club. Stand and deliver a short talk about your this. While showing the pictures on the LCD projector, start with a short introduction, then talk about and explain your sport or club; finally, end with a conclusion on why this is important to you.


3. Make a movie based on a story we have read or will read in class. Get together with friends (or go solo) making a movie with a digital camera. Edit the scenes. Add title and credits. Present the movie to class.


4. Other class presentation: Have you done something interesting in another class, such as a science experiment, solid geometry, auto mechanics, PE, or any other? Take digital pictures and present them in a stand and deliver type presentation, or use video clips and make a short 3 minute movie of that class activity.


5. Write a summary of Holocaust film you have seen. Make it short and to the point. The paper should include three parts: 1. Write a short summary of the film. Please include Title, Director, year made. 2. Describe a scene or section of the film that was particularly moving to you. Explain why that part affected you. 3. Conclude how this film helped you in our readings this semester. (No presentation is required of this, but you may present this with digital pictures or an embedded movie trailer for more points.)


Extra credit is based on use of technology used with the presentation.

1. At the basic level, digital pictures are presented on the LCD projector.

2. Video clips are used to show an activity.

3. Movie shows knowledge of editing skills.

4. Presentation is linked to a digital portfolio.

5. Presentation uses HTML pages, imbedded code, links.


Extra credit points will be assigned by the perceived effort that the student makes. Minimum effort = minimum wage. Extra credit may only be used when ALL assignments are completed. That is, extra credit means “extra” work, not “instead of” work. A basic presentation would earn about 5-10 points. As technology is incorporated, more points may be earned since the student is demonstrating knowledge of interdisciplinary skills: Combining English presentation skills, use of Technology skills, and skills from another class, hobby, or club.