Directions: Put your answers on a separate sheet of paper.


1. The fairy tale, “Briar Rose,” most closely follows the American story of:

                A. Rumplestiltskin

                B. Sleeping Beauty

                C. Cinderella

                D. Shrek


2. Stan quotes Shakespeare and says, “The past is prologue.” What does he mean by this?

                A. the past is simply history.

                B. history makes good stories.

                C. what happened in the past may predict what will happen later.

                D. most stories don’t end “happily ever after.”


3. Gemma’s story of “Briar Rose,” somehow incorporates elements of

                A. the Holocaust

                B. the Russian Revolution

                C. the Civil War

                D. the simple life of European peasants


4. Gemma is like Briar Rose because:

                A. both are cursed unjustly

                B. both are saved by a prince

                C. both experience a death-like sleep

                D. all of these


5. Unlike Briar Rose, Gemma is put to sleep

                A. by her friends to save her

                B. by Jewish partisans

                C. by an evil spell

                D. by gas fumes in a moving van


6. What is the author’s purpose for writing this novel?

                A. to entertain

                B. to inform

                C. to persuade

                D. to describe


7. How is this story similar to Of Mice and Men?

                A. both have characters telling a story about their life.

                B. both have characters that are not respected, are punished by society.

                C. both have characters searching for a better life than what they lead.

                D. all of these

                E. none of the above


8. Why would Gemma be so secretive about her life?

                A. she honestly doesn’t remember much of her earlier days.

                B. she was so scared by the Nazis, she still holds back information from everyone.

                C. she wants to move forward with her life, not relive the past.

                D. all of these

                E. none of these



9. One of the themes of this book may be:

                A. Life can be like a fairy tale.

                B. Sometimes we must believe the unbelievable.

                C. War sometimes brings out the worst in people.

                D. War sometimes brings out the best in people.

                E. all of these

                F. none of these


10. This character shows an old Schloss to Becca.

                A. Magda

                B. Father Stashu

                C. Josef Potoki

                D. none of these


11. This person tells Becca his/her story of the Holocaust.

                A. Magda

                B. Father Stashu

                C. Josef Potoki

                D. an unnamed man of Chelmno


12. Josef convinces those in his partisan group to:

                A. try to rescue prisoners who are left alive from the Chelmno camp.

                B. hide in the woods until the war was over.

                C. engage in a suicide raid against the SS.

                D. blow up a breakwater in an important harbor.


13. While hidden in the woods, Josef’s group saw about how many bodies brought out to the mass grave  in one day near Chelmno?

                A. about 100

                B. about 1000

                C. about 10,000

                D. about 100,000


14. Aron Mandlestein marries

                A. Eve

                B. Sylvia

                C. Magda

                D. Shana


15. Who actually saved Gemma from the mass grave?

                A. the Avenger

                B. Josef

                C. Magda

                D. Birch


16. What caused the princess to lose her memories?

                A. a spell

                B. gas

                C. a broken marriage

                D. physical injury


17. Ksiezniczka joins the partisans because she says:

                A. “I have no where to go.”

                B. “No one who is wanting me.”

                C. “I do not want to be sent on.”

                D. all of these


18. Josef’s partisan group are killed:

                A. while sleeping in the woods.

                B. attacking a supply depot.

                C. as they washed by the Narew river.

                D. at the mass grave.


19. Two weeks after most of partisans were killed from his group, Josef discovers:

                A. Eve is pregnant.

                B. the secret of Chelmno.

                C. The United States army is closing in.

                D.  all of these


20. Josef helps Eve by:

                A. giving her forged papers in the name of Eva Potoki.

                B. giving her his step-father’s ring.

                C. giving her his passport photograph.

                D. all of these

                E. none of these


21. Why is Josef compared to driftwood when he was in Sachenhausen?

                A. he had no definite plans.

                B. he went along with other’s plans.

                C. he made no decisions.

                D. all of these


22. Josef started to pay attention to flowers in:

                A. the woods while a partisan.

                B. theaters while he was a playwright.

                C. Sachenhausen.

                D. the Pathologie.


23. The author says the reason Josef is not killed with the rest of the partisans is because:

                A. God has a sense of humor.

                B. Josef is a coward.

                C. he was uncommonly lucky.

                D. none of these.


24. Becca concludes that the story told to her by Josef is basically:

                A. true

                B. untrue


25. We may assume that Becca’s life turns out “happily ever after” because:

                A. Stan gives her a kiss at the end.

                B. She learns the history of Gemma.

                C. She has material to write her story for the newspaper.

                D. all of these.