Black Boy Part I quiz


1. Richard sets fire to:

                A. his house

                B. a white man’s house

                C. his neighbor’s house

                D. granny’s house


2. Richard’s mother is thankful that Richard did not die in the fire. She then:

                A. fixes his favorite dinner

                B. beats him with a tree limb

                C. sends him to live with friends in Chicago

                D. pretends it never happened


3. The family moves to a tenement in Memphis where his father works nights and sleeps days. Richard and his brother must always remain silent. He shows his anger towards his father by:

                A. gets a job at a gas station

                B. beats his brother for making noise

                C. kills a meowing kitten

                D. making more money than his father by panhandling


4. When his father abandoned the family, Richard discovered:

                A. hunger

                B. a desire to write

                C. a desire to move

                D. the joy of freedom


5. Richard’s mother teaches him a valuable lesson when sending him to the store.

                A. he was the man of the house and had to do the shopping

                B. count his change before leaving the store

                C. face his fear; stand up and fight for himself

                D. take care of his brother


6. Early in his sixth year, Richard

                A. becomes an alcoholic

                B. starts school

                C. lives with his father

                D. invites all his friends to his birthday party


7. Richard begins school and

                A. is paralyzed with fear in the classroom

                B. learns many “interesting” words in the playground

                C. is eager to share his new knowledge

                D. all of the above

8. At the end of chapter 1, what is Richard’s adult reaction to his father?

                A. hateful

                B. pitying

                C. fearful

                D. loving


9. Richard reacts to the story the young schoolteacher tells him by:

                A. being distracted and losing interest

                B. being totally engrossed and interested

                C. having nightmares and crying each night

                D. wanting to read the Bible






10. What do we know about Granny that might explain why she calls those stories the “Devil’s work”?

                A. She’s deeply religious

                B. She’s illiterate

                C. She prays a lot

                D. all of these


11. Richard learns the tremendous power of words in this chapter. Words caused:

                A. another beating from his mother

                B. granny kicks Ella out of the house

                C. his family denounces him

                D. all of these


12. Richard’s Uncle Hoskins owns a bar and

                A. is murdered by whites

                B. invites Richard to work in the bar

                C. raises Richard as his son

                D. makes Richard’s life very pleasant


13.  Which statement accurately describes Richard’s relationship with granny?

                A. it is affectionate

                B. it is practically non-existent, since they rarely interact

                C. they do not have a relationship, as she died before his birth

                D. it is filled with conflict and hostility




14. According to Richard, how is black culture transmitted from one household to another?

                A. by insurance agents who go door-to-door selling policies

                B. through their belief in God

                C. through conversation within the gang

                D. from within the workplace


15. How does Richard react to his mother’s first stroke?

                A. he begins to feel that the world is a hostile place

                B. he becomes extremely religious because the church offers him comfort and security

                C. he develops close ties with the black community and his family

                D. he becomes depressed and suicidal


16. Which of the following best describes Richard’s childhood?

                A. it is characterized by grinding poverty

                B. it is characterized by isolation and loneliness

                C. it is characterized by frequent, sudden moves

                D. all of these


17.  Richard states that at age twelve he was profoundly changed. What did he discover about life that changed him?

                A. being black made him a better person

                B. meaning of life came only when one was struggling to wring a meaning out of meaningless suffering

                C. the meaning of life came through religion and devotion to family

                D. his longing for writing came from readings from the Bible


18. Richard’s teacher, Aunt Addie, intends to beat Richard at home because:

                A. Richard is not religious

                B. Richard lies

                C. she suspected Richard of eating walnuts in the classroom

                D. Richard called her Aunt Addie in the classroom

                E. all of these





19. Which of the following stories was Richard’s first attempt at writing?

                A. a detective story

                B. a story of an Indian maiden who dies in a river

                C. cowboys on a roundup

                D. a young boy and a slave run away from Missouri to the North


20. Richard’s grandfather is embittered and disappointed because:

                A. he knows he is terminally ell and about to pass away without having accomplished his goal of being a writer

                B. he never received his pension for his service in the military

                C. he has no properly raised grandchildren who are proud of their heritage

                D. his life insurance policy was never awarded to hi because of false policy


21. How did Richard’s family react to his sixth grade promotion?

                A. they were happy and  had a party

                B. they didn’t believe a boy as bad as he was could do it

                C. they thanked Aunt Addie because they thought she had promoted him even though he didn’t deserve it

                D. they ignored it. No one really cared what happened to him


22. Why did Richard sell the anti-Negro newspapers?

                A. his grandmother forced him to do it

                B. it was his misguided form of social protest

                C. he didn’t know the content; he just wanted to read the magazine section of stories and to make a little money

                D. some white boys he knew had threatened to hurt his mother and grandmother if he didn’t sell the papers


23. Why did Addie say she would kill Richard?

                A. she found out he was organizing the other students against her

                B. she blamed Richard for Granny’s accident

C. there was not enough money for food, and she was desperate. She reasoned that it would be one less mouth to feed.

                D. she was obsessed with the thought that he was evil and should be destroyed


24. Who was brother Manse?

                A. he was an assistant deacon at the church

                B. he was Richard’s new teacher

                C. he was another friend who came to live with Richard

                D. he was Richard’s next door neighbor who gave him a job of reading and writing for him in his insurance work


25. What did Richard gain from his association with Brother Manse?

                A. he learned the insurance business

                B. he made a lot of money that enabled him to move out of his grandmother’s house

                C. he gained thirty pounds because Brother Manse was always feeding him

                D. he gained a new outlook on life and a little self-respect