Black Boy chapters 6-8 wkst.


Chapter 6

1. What different kinds of pressure does Richard have to deal with in this chapter?


2. What comments does he make about this pressure?


3. Does he face similar kinds of pressure in other ways in the story?


Chapter 7

4. This passage is a sort of “I have a dream” speech on Richard’s part. What is his dream?


5. What obstacles has Wright shown us that stand in the way of this dream?


6. Have you experienced, or do you know someone who has experienced something – and had been successful with this experience, but when looking back at the whole experience, doubt whether it would have been started in the first place if it was known how hard, involved, and lengthy the experience would be. Describe that experience.


Chapter 8

7. Richard’s consciousness is further burdened with the reality of white oppression in this chapter. Describe the incident that scares him.


8. Richard is named valedictorian of his class, what happens that upsets Richard?


9. Although Richard gives his own speech, he feels disgust after it. Explain why he is disgusted with the whole thing even though he might justifiably be satisfied with this moral victory.


10. Although Richard’s home life and social life are indeed undeniably difficult, Wright, as an adult author looking back seems to admit another factor that made his growth more difficult. What is another factor that limits Richard?