Black Boy chapters 4+5 wkst.


1. Describe the events that led up to Aunt Addie’s and Richard’s fight in the kitchen.


2. Richard stated that he only saw Aunt Addie laugh at school once. Why did she laugh?


3. Granny gets furious at Richard (again) at church but it wasn’t anything that Richard did, but rather Granny’s misunderstanding of what Richard said. So, what did Richard say to Granny in church that caused the problem?


4. What is the symbolism of Richard’s first short story that he reads aloud to the woman next door to him?


5. What would a picture of Richard reading one of his newspapers look like?


6. Compare Richard’s reaction to what he can read in the newspapers he sells with the stories he heard from Ella.


7. What does a family friend tell Richard about the papers he is selling.


8. Granny and Richard get into another fight. What happens as a result?


9. Richard takes a job writing for Brother Mance. What does he observe and learn while on the job?


10. Richard’s grandpa has problems with the government. Why is grandpa especially vulnerable to being cheated?