Story of an Hour wkst    pages 590-595

by Kate Chopin


1. How does Mrs. Mallard react at first?


2. How does Mrs. Mallard’s reaction change?


3. What happens to Mrs. Mallard at the end of the story? What prompts this occurrence?


4. At the beginning of the story, the author writes that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with “a heart trouble.” What, in addition to a medical condition, might she mean by this statement?


5. How does the scene outside Mrs. Mallard’s window foreshadow the feelings that sweep over her as she sits in her chair?


6. What has Mrs. Mallard apparently resented about her marriage?


7. What do YOU believe is the actual reason for Mrs. Mallard’s death?


8. Would “The Story of an Hour” seem believable as a modern tale? Explain.