AMERICAN STUDIES                  Nature Journals:  a transcendental experiment


As you know, Henry David Thoreau spent two years, two months, and two days performing an experiment in simplification.  He left his life to live in the woods, in a cabin he built himself.  During this time, he learned a lot about his soul and his connections with nature, both spiritual and physical. 

For this assignment, you will choose a place in “nature” where you can escape from “society” in order to connect more fully with yourself.  It must be a place that you can be alone, and can revisit several times. You will complete a series of guided assignments, for which you will be graded on a rubric.   You are expected to include two forms of media:  your written thoughts and visual representations, which can include drawings, paintings, photos, pressed leaves/ flowers, maps, collage, or other creative means.  Your visual representations should each come with an approximately half page annotation (75-100 words) explaining their significance and meaning.  You need a minimum of two visuals.


Journal Assignments (try to stick to these, but if they make great springboards for something larger, don’t let them hold you back—explore, prod, think):


1. Orientation & Observation: Describe the place you chose as if we have no idea where it is: tell where it’s located, how to get there, & what it is like.  This may be a good time to use your mapping skills.  Once there, sit awhile.  Observe your surroundings.  Make general observations of detail and the big picture as well.  List all the plants and animals you see here (are any of them new to you? rare?)


2. Intimacy: Close your eyes & use only your hearing/ touch/ smell to make observations about your place.  Then, pick one thing and find as many ways to describe it as possible, using all of your senses.


3. Knowledge & Application: Perhaps you know a bit about native plants and animals, but there are probably a few things you don’t know.  Pick one thing in your place and do a little bit of research to find out more about it.  This can take five minutes (learn the name of a plant) or five hours (develop a scientific experiment about creek flow or salmon cycle); it’s entirely up to you.  Either way, document your findings as well as any sources you used in your journal.  Think & write about how this new information could influence your life or the lives of any or all of us.


4. Perspective: You’ve come to visit your place at least twice by now.  Imagine for a moment that you are one of the constants at your place (plant, animal—perhaps the thing you researched last time) and write what it might be like to watch you come into the place and change it.


Bring a person into your place (where you’ve previously been alone).  How does their presence affect the atmosphere?  How does it affect you?  How do you prefer it?


5. Conclusions: Of course, you can never conclude a relationship with place, but for the sake of this class, you must come up with some final thoughts on yours.  You may sum up however you wish, provided you tie in your experiment with Henry David Thoreau.  Perhaps pick a Thoreau quotation and explain its relation to your place and your time spent there.  If you still feel stuck, answer these questions: How was your experiment like or unlike Thoreau’s?  Do you feel closer to your place?  Did you learn anything new about your place or yourself?  Did you enjoy this assignment?  Did it change the way you see things?  How can this experience be tied in to the enduring understanding and essential questions for this unit?


Enduring Understanding

Technology and advances in the modern era have not only brought progress and expansion, but

                also have undermined certain traditions and values.

Essential Questions

                Is the “progress” we have made worth the price?

                Who defines progress?  Do all groups view progress equally?

                In what ways has America continued to expand, even after its geographical borders were


                Have technology and the age of information made life easier or more stressful?

                How is the tension between tradition and progress resolved?

AMERICAN STUDIES                  Nature Journals Grading Rubric


                                         Name __________________


Although it seems almost anti-transcendentalist to assign a grade to an experiment, for that’s what this truly is meant to be, we are a public school in a society based on competition and hierarchy.  So—


____    Ideas & Content

 40                   __  the writer is original & creative

                        __  the writer displays observation & reflection, both external and


                                    __  piece #1

                                    __  piece #2

                                    __  piece #3

                                    __  piece #4

                                    __  piece #5

                        __  the writer explains the connection to enduring understandings

                                    and/or essential questions for this unit



____    Thoreau Connection

 10                   __  the writer explores specific ideas of Thoreau

                        __  the writer is enthusiastic

                        __  the writer is willing to go ‘outside’ herself or himself


____    Visual Representation

 15                   __  the whole collection is appealing to the eye and readable

                        __  the artist includes two visual representations of place and/or thought

__  visuals display a deeper understanding, and enhance flavor and


__  annotations are clear and reflect the visuals


(You are graded on each of the five writing assignments separately; however, you should strive as a whole for fluency.  Your experiences should clearly connect; it should be obvious that you chose one place and used it for your experiment)



____    Total Score  
