Three Native Myths wkst  pages 20-27


When Grizzlies Walked Upright

1. According to the Modoc myth, how are the landscape and creatures of the Earth formed?


2. In the eyes of the Modoc Sky Spirit, what was the true crime of the grizzly bears?


3. What does his reaction reveal about him?


4. What is the meaning of the Modoc custom of marking the site where an Indian was killed by a grizzly?


The Earth on Turtle’s Back


5. According to this myth, what existed before this Earth?


6. What starts the chain of events that eventually leads to Earth’s creation


7. What does the Sky Woman bring with her from Skyland, and how does it affect the Earth?


8. Name at least two things that are lost of sacrificed in the Skyland so there would be life on Earth.


9. How do the animals in this myth exhibit human virtues?


The Navajo Origin Legend


10. Summarize the Navajo creation ceremony.


11. Why do the Navajo associate the tips of the fingers with the trail of the wind?


12. Find evidence in the passage that suggests that four is a sacred number for the Navajo.